帆船运动,是依靠自然风力作用于船帆上,由人驾驶船只前进的一项竞技、娱乐、观赏、探险于一体的体育运动项目。它具有较高的观赏性,备受人民喜爱。现代帆船运动已经成为世界沿海国家和地区最为普及而喜闻乐见的体育活动之一,也是各国人民进行海洋文化交流的重要渠道。 经常从事帆船运动,能增强体质,锻炼意志。特别是在风云莫测,海浪,水文的变化中,迎风斗浪,培养战胜自我的拚搏精神。早期英国开始沿袭荷兰人的称谓,称帆船运动为Yachting。至今人们仍用两种发音--英语与荷兰语的发音。近几年改称Sailing,而Yachting改为表达游艇运动。
参考答案:Sailing is on the natural wind in the sail, the vessel driven forward by a competitive and entertainment, viewing and adventure sports in one project. It has a higher viewing, much loved people. Modern sailing coastal countries and regions have become the world's most popular and loved sports, as well as an important channel for cultural exchanges between the peoples of ocean. Regular crew can strengthen their physiques, temper their will. Especially in the situation unpredictable waves, hydrological changes, wind and waves, the Pinbo cultivate the spirit of self-defeat. Britain began to follow the Dutch in the early designation, saying sailing for Yachting. Even today, people are still using two sounds -- the pronunciation of English and Dutch. In recent years, renamed Sailing and Yachting to express yachting