The money is used to ____ poor children study in school.Cbe used to do sth 被用来做某事help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事support sb to do sth 支持某人做某事楼上的说的都不怎么对。:(...查看完整版>>
The money is used to ____ poor children study in school.
怎么翻译?It is we who are to blame the poverty because we used to produce children without limit.要责怪的人正是我们自己,贫穷正是因为我们无限制出生人口。...查看完整版>>
怎么翻译?It is we who are to blame the poverty because we used to produce children without limit.
I study in XX middle school. My school is very big and beautiful.我就读于XX中学,我的学校很大而且很美...查看完整版>>
I study in XX middle school. My school is very big and beautiful.
The mountain is no longer _______ it used to be.这句话的意思是:这座山不再是它以前那个样子了.言外之意就是这座山发生了变化,或高或低什么的。选D是因为:看what前面的句子,这座山不再是(想一想,不再是什么了)所以用what引导一个从句,不再是它以前那个样子...查看完整版>>
The mountain is no longer _______ it used to be.
The mountain is no longer _______ it used to be.D直白点解释,看下后句缺什么it used to be 宾语没有呀。用what 来填补这个空缺就可以了呀。从句的问题往往要前后都顾及,从前面看找不出答案,就从后句看...查看完整版>>
The mountain is no longer _______ it used to be.
1.The student must hand in their compositions before school is over.The student's compositions must be handed in before school is over....查看完整版>>
1.The student must hand in their compositions before school is over.
He get up at six in the morning.(改为否定句)I often go to school on foot.(改为一般疑问句)He get up at six in the morning.(改为否定句)He doesn't get up until six in the morning.I often go to school on foot.(改为一般疑问句)How do you often go to school?...查看完整版>>
He get up at six in the morning.(改为否定句)I often go to school on foot.(改为一般疑问句)
A talk on how to learn Engilsh well ____(give) in the school hall next week.will be given...查看完整版>>
A talk on how to learn Engilsh well ____(give) in the school hall next week.
这句话如何翻译:Politics is the contest to fill the decision -making roles in a society.政治是争取社会决策者地位的一场竞争。这里将政治比喻成人之间的一场角逐contest,角逐中的胜者将扮演社会中作决策的角色decision -making roles,因为这些决策的位子先被抽象出来,被预设为一些空的位置,所以用了f...查看完整版>>
这句话如何翻译:Politics is the contest to fill the decision -making roles in a society.
In Ecuador, the value of resource depletion that is required to在厄瓜多尔,用于支持美国内部财政需求损耗的总价值大约占到厄瓜多尔国民生产总值的3.8%。...查看完整版>>
In Ecuador, the value of resource depletion that is required to