Taiwan's " the scum of nation" runs for president 这句话改成被动语态,如何改?答案是不能改,因为run for sth的用法太少用被动,改了也不符合习惯.但可以稍微变动一下句子结构,以达到目的The election for the president was went for by Taiwan's "the scum of nation"The election for the pres...查看完整版>>
Taiwan's " the scum of nation" runs for president 这句话改成被动语态,如何改?
把They didn't put the card into the box.改成被动语态The card wasn't put into the box by them....查看完整版>>
把They didn't put the card into the box.改成被动语态
The __is the person whoi runs the shop and the bucher's is the shop.bucher...查看完整版>>
The __is the person whoi runs the shop and the bucher's is the shop.
The ( )is the person who runs the shop and the butcher's is the shopbutcher...查看完整版>>
The ( )is the person who runs the shop and the butcher's is the shop
"What's the point of becoming something in life""...Why can't I just be me?"是什么意思becoming something 就是干出点什么成就,什么作为之类的意思。....查看完整版>>
"What's the point of becoming something in life""...Why can't I just be me?"是什么意思
what's the meaning of "pretty rude"?在这里pretty作副词,意思是相当地、非常地;rude是形容词,意思是粗鲁的、无礼的;是 副词+形容词 的结构;就是“相当粗鲁”的意思...查看完整版>>
what's the meaning of "pretty rude"?
李清照的<一剪梅>中"红藕香残玉簟秋" "簟"如何解?整句话又是什么意思?簟 <名> diàn (形声。从竹,覃声。本义:竹席) 同本义 也指用芦苇编制的席 君以簟席,大夫以蒲席。――《礼记》 簟diàn 1.供坐卧铺垫用的苇席或竹席。 2.指日常用来作障蔽和垫物的竹席。 3.竹名。参见"簟竹" 红...查看完整版>>
李清照的<一剪梅>中"红藕香残玉簟秋" "簟"如何解?整句话又是什么意思?
what's meaning of "pretechnological utopia"?utopia:乌托邦词组的意思是:前技术时代的理想社会。。。考研的题目挖...查看完整版>>
what's meaning of "pretechnological utopia"?
what's mean --"in me the tiger sniff the rose"英国当代诗人西格夫里?萨松(Siegfried Sassoon,1886—1967)曾写过一行不朽的警句:In me the tiger sniffs the rose.译成中文,便是:“我心里有猛虎在细嗅蔷薇。”“我心里有猛虎在细嗅蔷薇。”人生原是战场,有猛...查看完整版>>
what's mean --"in me the tiger sniff the rose"
如何理解how come you 're so interested in the environment?How come,,,? 口语中表示,,,是怎么发生的?/ ,,,怎样解释? How come you 're so interested in the environment? 你怎么对环境(问题)如此感兴趣? 这是个简单句,没有复合成分。...查看完整版>>
如何理解how come you 're so interested in the environment?