奥运会是否应该被商业操作?Should the Olympic Games be commercialized?2008年北京奥运会越来越近了,我们似乎也是胸有成竹,国际奥委会对我们的准备工作赞扬很多,世界上对2008年北京奥运会的期望似乎不断升高,我们自己在想象当中,究竟 能把北京奥运会办成什么样子,好像也还不完全清楚...查看完整版>>
奥运会是否应该被商业操作?Should the Olympic Games be commercialized?
what should we do for the olympic games1.First,we should learn English much better to work as volunteers for it.2.We should start doing exercise more often to have a strong body to take part in it.3.We should protect the enviroment to off...查看完整版>>
what should we do for the olympic games
When and where did the ancient Olympic Games stsrt?The modern Olympics movement emerges in the Europe capitalism industry time, but its origin may trace to the ancient Greece Olympics games, an ancient Olympic Games every four years session, has the f...查看完整版>>
When and where did the ancient Olympic Games stsrt?
寻找新世纪版英语第四课"THE OLYMPIC GAMES"全文...查看完整版>>
寻找新世纪版英语第四课"THE OLYMPIC GAMES"全文
if the gun should be control“枪支是否应受到管制”...查看完整版>>
if the gun should be control
英语翻译:how the participants should be selectde?应该如何选择这些参与者?...查看完整版>>
英语翻译:how the participants should be selectde?
People were wild with joy at the news that Olympic Games would be held in Beijing in 2008.翻译wild with joy: 欣喜若狂人们为北京将举办2008年奥运会欣喜若狂。...查看完整版>>
People were wild with joy at the news that Olympic Games would be held in Beijing in 2008.翻译
6000 volunteers will be trained for the Olympic and Paralympic games in Athens in 2004.残奥会:Paralympic Games / Paralympicsparalympics由paraplegic + Olympics构成,para-:残疾,-lynpic:奥运会。MW上对此词的解释为:a series of international contests for athletes with disabilities that ar...查看完整版>>
6000 volunteers will be trained for the Olympic and Paralympic games in Athens in 2004.
It'll be the first time that Beijing holds the Olympic Games.有语法错误么it'll be for……,后面一样。这是it is……that 强调句型,中间加for the first time强调第一次。...查看完整版>>
It'll be the first time that Beijing holds the Olympic Games.有语法错误么
the Impact of Beijing Olympic Games on Chinese Culture这篇论文谁能帮我想个提纲谢谢!北京2008年奥运会对中国传统文化的影响The Impact of Beijing Olympic Games on the Chinese Traditional Culture<<体育文化导刊 >>2004年01期谢经良 , 刘强德 北京2008年奥运会为中国更好的走向世界提供...查看完整版>>
the Impact of Beijing Olympic Games on Chinese Culture这篇论文谁能帮我想个提纲谢谢!