As a mother,you should be clear that a family is tochildren __a port is to shipsA is to B what C is to DA之于B就如C之于D作为母亲,你应该懂得家庭对于孩子正如港湾对于船只(一样重要)。...查看完整版>>
As a mother,you should be clear that a family is tochildren __a port is to ships
The lesson we learn the big fire is that we should be more and more careful.The lesson we learn from the big fire is that we should be more and more careful.我们从这场大火记取的教训是我们应该越来越注意用火。(learn from的意思是“向......学习;从......中学会”)He lay under a tr...查看完整版>>
The lesson we learn the big fire is that we should be more and more careful.
That'll be hard enough as it is.as it is 实际上, 事实上, 照现在的样子这是个词组,在这里就是根据它实际的情况...查看完整版>>
That'll be hard enough as it is.
Dear Sally.I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.Ithink you should...接下来怎么写?have a good rest or go and see a doctor....查看完整版>>
Dear Sally.I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.Ithink you should...接下来怎么写?
why should a doctor never be seasick?dBecause he is accustomed to seeing sickness.这是个脑筋急转弯的题。中文译文:问:——为什么医生从来都不晕船?答:——因为医生专门治疗(因为头晕引起的)呕吐。解释:sickness有两个意思1、疾病2、呕吐。这道脑筋急转弯就是利用sickness的歧义来提问的。...查看完整版>>
why should a doctor never be seasick?dBecause he is accustomed to seeing sickness.
You will find as you read fiats book that you just can't keep some of stones to yourself.汉语怎么译当你读了这许可证书后会发现 你不能私自占有这些宝石....查看完整版>>
You will find as you read fiats book that you just can't keep some of stones to yourself.汉语怎么译
You will find as you read fiats book that you just can't keep some of stones to yourself.汉语怎么译当你读了这许可证书后会发现 你不能私自占有这些宝石....查看完整版>>
You will find as you read fiats book that you just can't keep some of stones to yourself.汉语怎么译
Is to be or not to be That's a question . 这样讲对吗>?to be or not to be :That's a question 这样才对.前面不能加ISYour silence made me feel very helpless.你的沉默让我感觉很无奈...查看完整版>>
Is to be or not to be That's a question . 这样讲对吗>?
to be or not to be that is a questi on生死或者存亡,这是问题所在。莎士比亚的经典台词。是THE QUESTION 不是A QUESTION...查看完整版>>
to be or not to be that is a questi on
求助:"To be free and to serve—there is nothing more difficult that this."如何翻译?自由或奴役---没有什么别这更难抉择了。鱼与熊掌不能兼得 这样的意思在这里没有。这里的情感主要偏向于FREE.....查看完整版>>
求助:"To be free and to serve—there is nothing more difficult that this."如何翻译?