
why the police do not keep check on sofieds wife in prison break?thank you very much

01.why the police do not keep check on sofieds wife in prison break?thank you very much
you should better ask the director....查看完整版>>why the police do not keep check on sofieds wife in prison break?thank you very much
02.Thank you very much for the most ____(enjoy) evening.
Thank you very much for the most enjoyable evening.十分感谢让我们度过了最令人愉快的夜晚。...查看完整版>>Thank you very much for the most ____(enjoy) evening.
03.Do you like to live in a big city or in a small town? Why or why not?
I prefer to live in the big city than in the small city. There are many reasons explain that I select the big city. Firstly, I think that live in the big city is helpful for the development of individ...查看完整版>>Do you like to live in a big city or in a small town? Why or why not?
04.Our school is a residential school.Do you think it's nice to study in a residential school?Why?
My answer is :of courseBecause it makes me independence.when i come here,my ideas are proved.I love here,my big family.Wish we'll live happy here , learn more and more things,and make friends with mo...查看完整版>>Our school is a residential school.Do you think it's nice to study in a residential school?Why?
05.Our school is a residential school.Do you think it's nice to study in a residential school?Why?
perhaps you thought that living apart from home is a terrible thing .也许你认为不住在家很糟糕but let me tell you that i am a student in a residential school and i do not feel unhappy.there,i have my f...查看完整版>>Our school is a residential school.Do you think it's nice to study in a residential school?Why?
06.I might not have as much to offer in terms of advise as you would expect.
我并不能如你所期给予那么多建议。in terms of 是一个词组,“关于,在...方面”即,在意见方面,我并不能给予你如你所期那么多。...查看完整版>>I might not have as much to offer in terms of advise as you would expect.
07.do you know why they call New York"The big apple"???
从Broadway到Times Square再到Central Park,在纽约有很多可以看可以做的!但在你到这个不眠之城之前,先花一点时间复习一下您的纽约俚语吧! The Big Apple这是个你吃不了的苹果!The Big Apple这个术语指的是纽约市...查看完整版>>do you know why they call New York"The big apple"???
08.Hope that you all several can remember the words that self had said and I may keep in memory foreve
希望你们几个都能记得你们自己说的话,我会永远记得的! 太Chinglish了!...查看完整版>>Hope that you all several can remember the words that self had said and I may keep in memory foreve
09.Can someone tell me what's the meaning of "What are you getting me?" Thank you in advance!
What are you getting me?记得以前在什么地方看到过,应该是:你在糊弄/敷衍/摆平我吗?...查看完整版>>Can someone tell me what's the meaning of "What are you getting me?" Thank you in advance!
10.Do not,for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.
不要因为一次挫折,就放弃你下决心达到的目标。repulsev.拒绝, 排斥, 反驳, 击退, 憎恶n.拒斥, 击退, 严拒...查看完整版>>Do not,for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.
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