The line of trees that breaks the monotony of the pavement is laden with leaves in shades of russet公路投下黄褐色的班驳树荫于是打破了那一路的单调(嘿嘿, 其实就是 公路上投下黄褐色的班驳树荫,打破了公路的单调。)...查看完整版>>
The line of trees that breaks the monotony of the pavement is laden with leaves in shades of russet
There is a sentence always on my mind,that is "Confronted with the friendship of May"是对的~on my mind 这种说法是对的!...查看完整版>>
There is a sentence always on my mind,that is "Confronted with the friendship of May"
With the price of oil_____,the economy of that country is slowing down.选择A 上涨的意思C 是起义,叛变的意思,不能选其他的明显不对...查看完整版>>
With the price of oil_____,the economy of that country is slowing down.
_____ is mentionged above that the number of the students in senior schools is increaaing.选Bas表示“这一点”...查看完整版>>
_____ is mentionged above that the number of the students in senior schools is increaaing.
I don't need to remind you that this product is of competition in the market now.对,它表达的意思就是 不用在对你多说,这个产品现在在市场上很有竞争力。of competition=competitive 参考资料:English MAjor...查看完整版>>
I don't need to remind you that this product is of competition in the market now.
Such was the force of the strong wind that many trees were uprooted.改为正常语序被动句 Many trees were uprooted by such strong wind.主动句 The strong wind uprooted many trees.推荐使用第一句。 参考资料:英专...查看完整版>>
Such was the force of the strong wind that many trees were uprooted.改为正常语序
i know the line is allway in no matter if we are liking others.什么意思爱情无国界...查看完整版>>
i know the line is allway in no matter if we are liking others.什么意思
whether it be bird,fish or beast,the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive.whether后边的虚拟语气的用法它省略了should完整的句子应该是whether it should be bird,fish or beast,the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive....查看完整版>>
whether it be bird,fish or beast,the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive.
翻译:it is only in this final stage of life that T-shirt will meet a real market在坦桑尼亚的丰富的旧衣市场里面,他意识到, T-shirt 只有在其生命周期的最终阶段才能碰到真正的市场。那里,价格每小时都会变化,尺寸甚至颜色都导致了价格的不同...查看完整版>>
翻译:it is only in this final stage of life that T-shirt will meet a real market
What is the mean of "Isn't that something?"我记得查理的巧克力工厂里面有类似的台词的,就像look at that house,isn't that something?翻成中文就是:看那所房子,非常漂亮是吧?所以这句话的意思差不多是说什么东西很厉害哦:)...查看完整版>>
What is the mean of "Isn't that something?"