Then do not waste time,for thatis what life is made of是什么意思那么就不要浪费时间,因为生命就是由一分一秒的时间组成...查看完整版>>
Then do not waste time,for thatis what life is made of是什么意思
There is no favourable wind for those who do not know their port.是什么意思?我觉得它有:对于那些连自己的目标都不知道的人,永远是不会获得好的机会的。至于英文原译,刚才已经看到有人翻译过了。...查看完整版>>
There is no favourable wind for those who do not know their port.是什么意思?
"life is not a game of half measures"是什么意思?个人理解:生命不应该是一场浅尝辄止的游戏。...查看完整版>>
"life is not a game of half measures"是什么意思?
如何翻译: Life is not the amount of breath u take,but the moment that take your breath你少打了一个单词:away.而且原句是这样的:"Life is not the amount of breaths you take. It's the moments that take your breath away." (生活不在于你呼吸的次数有多少,而在于那些使你无法呼吸的时刻。)--出...查看完整版>>
如何翻译: Life is not the amount of breath u take,but the moment that take your breath
""life is not a game of half measures生活不是一场半拉子的游戏...查看完整版>>
""life is not a game of half measures
Remember this -- that very little is needed to make a happy life 是什么意思不要忘记--很少的需求便可令你一生快乐....查看完整版>>
Remember this -- that very little is needed to make a happy life 是什么意思
I haven´t money...and i don´t want to leave czech republic for long time,是什么意思?I haven´t money...and i don´t want to leave czech republic for long time我没有钱,但是我也不想长时间的离开捷克...查看完整版>>
I haven´t money...and i don´t want to leave czech republic for long time,是什么意思?
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you的中文意思是什么?我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是爱上和你在一起时的我。这是最标准的。...查看完整版>>
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you的中文意思是什么?
time to time 与 some forms of recreation是什么意思???time to time时不时some forms of recereation娱乐消遣的某些形式...查看完整版>>
time to time 与 some forms of recreation是什么意思???
if you can not stand the heat get out of the kitchen是什么意思啊????(问题中 can not 不能分开写. 正确写法是 cannot )这是一句英文谚语-- 中文是「吃得酸梅抵得渴」…意思就是:做任何事要承担得起后果...查看完整版>>
if you can not stand the heat get out of the kitchen是什么意思啊????