• Top Rankings: Our University’s undergraduate program has been ranked # 2 among master granting universities in the west of United States by “U.S. News and World Report” for 16 years. In 2005, the School of Engineering was ranked 14th in the country, among predominately master granting universities by “U.S. News and World Report.” According to an article on July 30, 2006, The New York Times called our University “the Georgetown of the West Coast” with highly regarded engineering programs.” (article is attached)
参考答案:最高排名:十六年来,我们大学的本科类教学项目一直被美国《新闻和世界报道》杂志评为在美国西部各主要正式批准的大学中排名第二。2005年,本校的工程学院被美国《新闻和世界报道》杂志评为在全美各主流的具有硕士学位授予权的大学中排名第十四位。根据《纽约时报》在2006年7月30日的一篇文章的报导,我校被称为“在工程教育项目方面享有盛誉的西海岸的乔治敦” 。(文章附后)