about college and university in America学院是COLLEGE,大学是UNIVERSITY(当然了我好像在说废话)。另外还有INSTITUTE。 COLLEGE和UNI是有根本性区别的。 COLLEGE只是指具有高等教育的学校的通称,或者指只有大学(或本科)课程的学校,或隶属于某大学(或...查看完整版>>
about college and university in America
美国university中的college,school and department都是指什么?All above me are wrong.In USA, there are many colleges. Lots of them are famous with reputation equivalent to Stanford. These colleges focus on liberal education, not research. Their goal is to tra...查看完整版>>
美国university中的college,school and department都是指什么?
college or university?college类似于专科 大学是本科说实话 college出来的反而好找工作。。如果想尽快找到工作 去college 学一些技术类的 时间又短 出来基本上100%有工作...查看完整版>>
college or university?
在英语中college和 university 和 institute哪个表示更高的的学校University 某某大学,如清华大学college 某某学院,如上海轻工业学院institute 某某研究院或大专,如清华大学研究生院它们都是大学,只是university一般指综合性的大学,college指在一个领域开始起家的大学,后来也...查看完整版>>
在英语中college和 university 和 institute哪个表示更高的的学校
Mr. And Mrs. Smith arrived at Toronto Airport at the end of a __1__ holidy in America.cdbbbddcab...查看完整版>>
Mr. And Mrs. Smith arrived at Toronto Airport at the end of a __1__ holidy in America.
Mary was born in America and her native language was English.So () I 句型中括号里的内容:如果之前已经提及的是BE动词,则也用BE动词。如:They are studying English and so AM I. 如果之前是DO动词,才用DO。如:They all study English and so DO I. 这里的意思是MARY出生于...查看完整版>>
Mary was born in America and her native language was English.
some sinilarities in Western and Eastern philosophies is about in 600BC泰勒士(生活在约公元前585年)是古希腊哲学家、古希腊七贤之一 泰勒士认为万物由水构成,水是万物之源。这种观点可能是因为看到海水蒸发的过程而形成的。据传说他的格言是:"水是最好的" 泰勒士对希腊哲学有着重要的影...查看完整版>>
some sinilarities in Western and Eastern philosophies is about in 600BC
some sinilarities in Western and Eastern philosophies is about in 600BC泰勒士(生活在约公元前585年)是古希腊哲学家、古希腊七贤之一 泰勒士认为万物由水构成,水是万物之源。这种观点可能是因为看到海水蒸发的过程而形成的。据传说他的格言是:"水是最好的" 泰勒士对希腊哲学有着重要的影...查看完整版>>
some sinilarities in Western and Eastern philosophies is about in 600BC
What is it that found in the every center of America and Australia?the letter R!...查看完整版>>
What is it that found in the every center of America and Australia?
Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions in Activity 3 about your school.成组地练习对话。问答Activity 3关于你们学校的问题。看这些句子。现在回答问题。用简短的形式。...查看完整版>>
Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions in Activity 3 about your school.