这句话啥意思?Leave out a copy of your Christmas list with last-minute changes and corrections.不考虑作了最后的改变和修正的你的圣诞节名单的副本...查看完整版>>
这句话啥意思?Leave out a copy of your Christmas list with last-minute changes and corrections.
i'll be out of your way in a minute, soon as i put the frozen foods in the refrigerator.请问怎么翻我一把冷冻的食物放在冰箱里就在一分钟之内小时在你眼前....查看完整版>>
i'll be out of your way in a minute, soon as i put the frozen foods in the refrigerator.请问怎么翻
A Iot of people will walk in and out of my life but only you will leave footprints in my heart !许多人从我的生活中走进走出,但是只有你在我的心中留下印迹。...查看完整版>>
A Iot of people will walk in and out of my life but only you will leave footprints in my heart !
请问这句话怎么翻译Will you kindly insure that alerts are sent to both of his emils and a copy to me比较客套委婉的表达方式,少打了问号而已。Will you please……就是“请你……”的意思。...查看完整版>>
请问这句话怎么翻译Will you kindly insure that alerts are sent to both of his emils and a copy to me
run out of 什么意思啊?这句话怎么翻译?用完,用光的意思。这句翻译:我们办公室的文具用品经常用光。...查看完整版>>
run out of 什么意思啊?这句话怎么翻译?
A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.着句话是什么意思谁知道?真正的朋友是那个握住你的手 触碰到你心灵的人...查看完整版>>
A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.着句话是什么意思谁知道?
这句话“Opportunities at your front of your eyes”是什么意思?机会就在你眼前...查看完整版>>
这句话“Opportunities at your front of your eyes”是什么意思?
you should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.翻译这句话意思`谢了你应该用一块干净的布盖在伤口上并用力压住.(把分给我吧!谢谢!我还差一分就升了~十分感谢)...查看完整版>>
you should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.翻译这句话意思`谢了
Well I could go on but I'll leave the rest for later这句话的中文意思是什么我确实可以接着做但是我想等晚些时候处理这些剩下的东西。...查看完整版>>
Well I could go on but I'll leave the rest for later这句话的中文意思是什么
请问:Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. 这句话是什么意思?这个是谚语 "不要过早地盲目乐观" 本身的意思是----小鸡孵化出来之前,不要把他们算进去...查看完整版>>
请问:Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. 这句话是什么意思?