sign draft contract with the hard copies by courier请签署快递送去的合同文稿soft copy:电子版;对应的hard copy就是打印出来的文字原稿...查看完整版>>
sign draft contract with the hard copies by courier
drinking money was too hard too come by ,especially with the mines letting workers go.挣点喝酒的钱真难哪!特别是许多(煤)矿又不让工人们干了.没有上下文很难译得准确....查看完整版>>
drinking money was too hard too come by ,especially with the mines letting workers go.
please wait while setup copies files to your hard disk .安装程序正在将文件拷贝到您的硬盘中,请等待。...查看完整版>>
please wait while setup copies files to your hard disk .
you should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.翻译这句话意思`谢了你应该用一块干净的布盖在伤口上并用力压住.(把分给我吧!谢谢!我还差一分就升了~十分感谢)...查看完整版>>
you should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.翻译这句话意思`谢了
I pulled my mother by the hand 其中 by 什么意思 ?可用with代替吗?不行by the hand 固定用法用手来拉母亲.....查看完整版>>
I pulled my mother by the hand 其中 by 什么意思 ?可用with代替吗?
请问一句英文好象是一步一步直到最后..请问怎么说‘谢谢‘‘好象是side by side with in the end..你说的是不是这句呀side by side with you till the end和你一起直到最后...查看完整版>>
请问一句英文好象是一步一步直到最后..请问怎么说‘谢谢‘‘好象是side by side with in the end..
请问一句英文好象是一步一步直到最后..请问怎么说‘谢谢‘‘好象是side by side with in the end..Side by side with you till the end我永远是紧握你手的那个人...查看完整版>>
请问一句英文好象是一步一步直到最后..请问怎么说‘谢谢‘‘好象是side by side with in the end..
learn...by yourself,the firsh meal,talk with sb on the telephone是什么意思1,自学2,第一顿饭3,和某人通电话...查看完整版>>
learn...by yourself,the firsh meal,talk with sb on the telephone是什么意思
大家帮我翻译一下by working with friend和by reading the textbook我在翻译网站上查不到!在此谢谢各位了!by working with friend 应该是与朋友一起工作的意思,by 在这里表方式by reading the textbook是通过阅读练习册,怎么怎么样,前后应有文章衔接,by 也是表方式...查看完整版>>
大家帮我翻译一下by working with friend和by reading the textbook我在翻译网站上查不到!在此谢谢各位了!
flutter and fall there with a sign.做一个标记。...查看完整版>>
flutter and fall there with a sign.