翻译Although research designed solely to isolate the characteristic of leaders虽然专门设计用以单独测评领导品质的研究被认为是成果越来越少,但随着人们对于领导(特别是那些转型的领导)的个人人生发展兴趣的急剧增加,这些研究又以新的形式出现在人们面前....查看完整版>>
翻译Although research designed solely to isolate the characteristic of leaders
“temple of the Stanislavsky Method approach to acting”怎么翻译比较好斯坦尼拉夫斯基表演法的殿堂...查看完整版>>
“temple of the Stanislavsky Method approach to acting”怎么翻译比较好
to pitch out of the window 怎么翻译扔出窗外?...查看完整版>>
to pitch out of the window 怎么翻译
翻译:Born into the life of privilege ,he joined the exploring to the Australia他出身显贵,(但)加入了去澳大利亚的勘探/考察2楼的是机译...翻译不能只有字面意思,应更富有中文的特点,建议1楼去看看高中的语文课文《(i have a dream)我有一个梦想》,一篇英语著名演讲的译文能入选高中语文...查看完整版>>
翻译:Born into the life of privilege ,he joined the exploring to the Australia
帮我翻译个句子: The world situation is most favorable to the cause of peace,。。。现在的国际形势对和平,民族解放,及社会主义建设最有利。对。。有利 事业...查看完整版>>
帮我翻译个句子: The world situation is most favorable to the cause of peace,。。。
because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.的翻译,跪求因为你也许想要照些秋叶的照片...查看完整版>>
because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.的翻译,跪求
accords to the specifications of the foreign guvernment翻译?根据国外政府的相关标准/规定/提出的条件——根据具体语境来定...查看完整版>>
accords to the specifications of the foreign guvernment翻译?
of all the AIDS deaths to date ,翻译to date 即 up to now , so far 也就是到下载的意思整句话意思 至今,在爱滋病死亡中...查看完整版>>
of all the AIDS deaths to date ,翻译
翻译:breach of any warranty given by the seller in relation to the goods卖方违反其产品保证(可以引申为质保书)任何关于产品本身,或产品进口、使用或再次销售(的行为)侵犯到其他人的专利、版权、设计版权、商标或其它知识产权的索赔,除了由于遵循西门子的说明书而引起的索赔这只是个...查看完整版>>
翻译:breach of any warranty given by the seller in relation to the goods
To love another person is to see the face of God翻译,不要直译爱上了一个人,就好像见到了心中的神~...查看完整版>>
To love another person is to see the face of God翻译,不要直译