翻译: B/L is to order of applicant bank.提单(海运提单)抬头是申请银行意思是:申请银行是提单的货主...查看完整版>>
翻译: B/L is to order of applicant bank.
29. There is a water pump on ____ bank of the river.首先只能在B,D两项选。因为A,C修饰不了此类问题,因为bank是单数,所以选B,若bank是复数,则可用each,句子是There is a water pump on each banks of the river....查看完整版>>
29. There is a water pump on ____ bank of the river.
CONSIGNEE:to order of ABC co.,ltd 和to ABC company有什么区别?2种情况下提单可以转让吗?提货人呢?前者是由ABC指定收货人,可以转让后者收货人就是ABC,原则上不能转让...查看完整版>>
CONSIGNEE:to order of ABC co.,ltd 和to ABC company有什么区别?2种情况下提单可以转让吗?提货人呢?
翻译He is always ready to help otherswzh868是对的,be ready to 这里表示“乐于……”...查看完整版>>
翻译He is always ready to help others
翻译There is also likely to be increasing consolidation对于领导和领导成就的研究提出了一个问题:为什么各种意外事件都只能是短暂的现象。而对此前期研究成果还有可能进行进一步的整理和分析。...查看完整版>>
翻译There is also likely to be increasing consolidation
what is easy to get into but hard to get out of?fall in love with somebody...查看完整版>>
what is easy to get into but hard to get out of?
His attitude to us is that of a comrade.他对我们的态度是同志式的。该句子的基本结构是attitude is something因此可以看出,其中的something必须与attitude想匹配。如果用one或it显然不行。...查看完整版>>
His attitude to us is that of a comrade.
What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?(猜谜语)troubleget into trouble = 陷入困境,惹上麻烦get out of trouble = 脱困答案的意思就是,惹麻烦上身很容易,可是脱困就难了。...查看完整版>>
What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?(猜谜语)
he is going to spend two days of his work 对宾、状语提问怎么写?在线等这句句子好像有问题啊,spend后面应该是用on这个介词啊即spend two days on his work如果一定要回答的话有两句what is he going to spend two days of?how long is he going to spend of his work?...查看完整版>>
he is going to spend two days of his work 对宾、状语提问怎么写?在线等
1.What continent is the country of Chile in?(翻译这句)智利位于哪个洲?在上周的大雨过后,河流上涨了1米...查看完整版>>
1.What continent is the country of Chile in?(翻译这句)