The use of services provided by OD's designated PB sales and marketing provider翻译The use of services provided by OD's designated PB sales and marketing provider使用OD指定的PB销售和销售供应商提供的服务。...查看完整版>>
The use of services provided by OD's designated PB sales and marketing provider翻译
如何翻译System sales forecasts are provided globally, by region, through 2012在全球范围内发布从当前到2012年的分区域系统销售预测。...查看完整版>>
如何翻译System sales forecasts are provided globally, by region, through 2012
Competitive pricing,prompt delivery and after sales service do the rest,怎么翻译?竞争的价格形成、限时专送和售后服务等等。...查看完整版>>
Competitive pricing,prompt delivery and after sales service do the rest,怎么翻译?
Stick the paper feog's eyes and legs onto its body with the glue.翻译用胶水把纸青蛙的眼睛和腿粘到它的身体上....查看完整版>>
Stick the paper feog's eyes and legs onto its body with the glue.翻译
怎么翻译Returns or sets the key mask of a menu item's shortcut.翻译为:回归或集合菜单项目的捷径的关键面具。自己打进去试一试...查看完整版>>
怎么翻译Returns or sets the key mask of a menu item's shortcut.
Random social violence is encouraged by a general D clan and ethical thinking. 翻译啊!!社会上无序的暴力事件,是由总的D clan和民族情绪导致的。...查看完整版>>
Random social violence is encouraged by a general D clan and ethical thinking. 翻译啊!!
请翻译"country of origin" must appear on the inner and outer packaging.原产地必须出现在内外包装!意思就是货物的外包装(一般是大的纸盒或者箱子之类)和内包装(直接包装货物的)都必须有原产地的明确注明!...查看完整版>>
请翻译"country of origin" must appear on the inner and outer packaging.
翻译It isn't the water that keeps fish alie, but the oxygen in the water.使鱼生存的不是水,而是水里的空气你那个应该是alive吧?...查看完整版>>
翻译It isn't the water that keeps fish alie, but the oxygen in the water.
。。。翻译 -it's impossible -not if you design the place that isn't- 那是不可能的- 不是因为你虚拟的这个地方不对that isn't .. that 应该是指the place, isn't则是否定design...查看完整版>>
。。。翻译 -it's impossible -not if you design the place that isn't
Cut a square from the piece of green paper whit the pair of scissors. 翻译用剪刀在一张绿纸上剪下一个正方形...查看完整版>>
Cut a square from the piece of green paper whit the pair of scissors. 翻译