Genius without education is like silver in the mine 是谁说的B. Benjamin Fanklin...查看完整版>>
Genius without education is like silver in the mine 是谁说的
law is a reason without passion是谁说的最早是亚里士多德亚里士多德 Aristotle (公元前384 - 公元前322) 古希腊人...查看完整版>>
law is a reason without passion是谁说的
这话是谁说的来?the desire and pursuit of the whole is called lovePlato说的..原话是.."the reason is that human nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love"我没有找到专业的翻译,我翻译一下吧...欲望和追求的全部就...查看完整版>>
这话是谁说的来?the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love
1.A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.1 书籍好比口袋里的花园。2 诚实是最好的政策3 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲4 智者千虑,必有一失5 逆境是通往顺境之路相信我没错的~!...查看完整版>>
1.A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
请用English回答不是翻译what is the climate like in your countryIn my conuntry, the climate always warm....查看完整版>>
请用English回答不是翻译what is the climate like in your country
What is the weather like in your city?比般没不这么说吧...查看完整版>>
What is the weather like in your city?
What is the clamate like in your country?谁能帮我讲解一下这一句话你们国家的气候怎么样?...查看完整版>>
What is the clamate like in your country?谁能帮我讲解一下这一句话
问一下选择题:1.The weather is summer here is like____in English .bbb前两个是that用作代词的用法,第三句是make it 的固定用法,后面接宾补...查看完整版>>
问一下选择题:1.The weather is summer here is like____in English .
There is nothing like darkness in the world, only a failure to see!世界上没有象黑暗一样的,人们看到的只是错误Nothing is inextricable,and there is always only one truth...查看完整版>>
There is nothing like darkness in the world, only a failure to see!
Here is E-mail of mine.这句话应该填AN还是THE?要看特定的语境咯当前面没有说起e-mail的时候,就用an当前面提供了一个说起e-mail的语境时,用the特指,这就是我的e-mail...查看完整版>>
Here is E-mail of mine.这句话应该填AN还是THE?