翻译Can you please fax for me aboat the price?你能把价格传真给我吗?...查看完整版>>
翻译Can you please fax for me aboat the price?
could you Please translate this for me ?为了表示你已经吃完所有的菜样,你可以将餐刀刀刃一侧向下,呈对角的放在盘子的右侧。...查看完整版>>
could you Please translate this for me ?
Can you give me some information about the American Revolution.The American Revolution was a political movement during the last half of the 18th century that resulted in the creation of a new nation in 1776, the United States of America, and ended British control...查看完整版>>
Can you give me some information about the American Revolution.
YOU,re the one for me 是什么意思你是我的唯一/你是我的真命天子记得看黑客帝国时,Neo就被称为The one(他是被选中的救世主)BSB有一首歌也叫Get down(you're the one for me),在这里把歌词打出来,希望能帮你理解:you're the one for meyou're my ...查看完整版>>
YOU,re the one for me 是什么意思
Please kindly can you send me the PI?请问这里的PI指什么?这是我们公司一个以色列客户发过来的?如果是新客人,PI为以下:PI: Product Information, 产品信息如果是交易基本已谈妥,客人要求开以下PI:PI:PROFORMA INVOICE,形式发票...查看完整版>>
Please kindly can you send me the PI?请问这里的PI指什么?这是我们公司一个以色列客户发过来的?
请问“Will you please take this bag for me?”怎么翻译?谢谢!你可以帮我提这个包吗?...查看完整版>>
请问“Will you please take this bag for me?”怎么翻译?谢谢!
修改病句: If you read the book,please lend it to me。句意前后不一致应改为If you don't read the book,please lend it to me。如果你不读那本书的话请借给我...查看完整版>>
修改病句: If you read the book,please lend it to me。
翻译"Can I take a massage for you?"用在电话中,要找的人不在,可以带个口信吗...查看完整版>>
翻译"Can I take a massage for you?"
Can you tell me the way __ your house?A in B of c to该选C。能告诉我去你家的路吗?TO表示“往,到”...查看完整版>>
Can you tell me the way __ your house?A in B of c to
英语句行转换:Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?Can you tell me that where is the fire exit?...查看完整版>>
英语句行转换:Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?