human,human beinghuman指人,human being指人类...查看完整版>>
human,human being
human being 和people ,human有什么区别?有以下区别: 1、human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”, 基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being 2、在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to human transm...查看完整版>>
human being 和people ,human有什么区别?
human being和human race还有people和person的不同?第一个human being表"人类",相对于动物和事物.第二个human race表"人种",黑白黑棕人种这两个基本不考的吧,最多起迷惑作用.people和person倒是很常考.people表"人""人们",表单个人的时候本人已有复数意思,one people ...查看完整版>>
human being和human race还有people和person的不同?
If you were the first cloned human being,I would say..用were表示不可能发生的假设~~If I were you, I will kiss her~~cloned在这里不是过去分词,而是形容词,克隆的~~整句意思:如果你是第一个克隆人,我将会说......查看完整版>>
If you were the first cloned human being,I would say..
翻译the needs of human resource management that were not being handled well楼上这也叫翻译??无语!人力资源管理的需求,包括连续性规划、人力资源生产力和组织设计,在至少1993年之前没有得到有效的处理和解决,并被看作是对于许多重点地要求注意这句话的句法,that were not being handle...查看完整版>>
翻译the needs of human resource management that were not being handled well
express the sorrow of human being about the lost cultural tradition in modern citiesEvery day ,I walk through steels,concretes and also crudity.Sometimes I would think of those old circumvallation which reminded me of old stories.But now ,I'm puzzled of their disappearance.And where...查看完整版>>
express the sorrow of human being about the lost cultural tradition in modern cities
being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing ;......翻译在人类知识的一些分支中学习是一回事, 生活在"特定的 杰出的思想'中 照emerson 说的 是另一回事...查看完整版>>
being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing ;......翻译
being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing ;......翻译学习某些人类文化知识是一回事,而如爱默生所说的学到"杰出的优秀的思想"是另外一回事....查看完整版>>
being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing ;......翻译
Pumas never attack a human being except when the are corneredPumas never attack a human being except when they are cornered美洲狮从来不会主动攻击人类除非他们被逼无奈。 when是引导状语从句a human being指人主句就是:Pumas never attack a human being....查看完整版>>
Pumas never attack a human being except when the are cornered
The book you want is being held for you at the circulation desk.你要的那本书在借书台处...查看完整版>>
The book you want is being held for you at the circulation desk.