填空:I have got a c____.I play games on it.computer 我要一个电脑,我要在上面玩游戏...查看完整版>>
填空:I have got a c____.I play games on it.
Foxes and farmers have never got on well.狐狸和农民们向来相处的不愉快。这种像狗一样的动物常常被指控杀死了农民们的养的动物...查看完整版>>
Foxes and farmers have never got on well.
have you got any books on chinese painting ?i want to borrow_______.one...查看完整版>>
have you got any books on chinese painting ?i want to borrow_______.
英语句行转换: Don’t play on the road。It’s dangerous。It's dangerous to play on the road....查看完整版>>
英语句行转换: Don’t play on the road。It’s dangerous。
改错:You have got a new watch.I have got a new it,too.I have got a new it,too.改I have got a new one,too....查看完整版>>
改错:You have got a new watch.I have got a new it,too.
you are always studying . come on, let's play computer games从语法角度来说d是对的,但从上下问的语境来看,c更好,句子中说你总是学习表现说话人的责备情绪,所以从题中加强语气的词ever来看,all更合理,你现在所有要做的事就一件:玩不知这样讲你是否明白?...查看完整版>>
you are always studying . come on, let's play computer games
After____(finish) his homework ,the boy went on___(play)computer games.finishing playing after是介词,介词后面,动词加inggo on doing继续做某事...查看完整版>>
After____(finish) his homework ,the boy went on___(play)computer games.
(no/not)1.We have got ___ bananas.2.Is there a pen on the desk? ___,there is____.1.no2.no, there isn't...查看完整版>>
(no/not)1.We have got ___ bananas.2.Is there a pen on the desk? ___,there is____.
it's got brass on什么意思it's got brass off 是俚语 = 满腹牢骚, 厌烦之意, on 则刚好相反it's got brass off 是俚语 = 不再满腹牢骚, 不再厌烦之意...查看完整版>>
it's got brass on什么意思
翻译:you can sit at this and play music on it和you can watch films on this你可以坐在上面在上面弹奏音乐你可以在上面看电影...查看完整版>>
翻译:you can sit at this and play music on it和you can watch films on this