Oh,no.I don'tlike shopping.there are usually too m___ people in the shops.what about having a swim?many...查看完整版>>
Oh,no.I don'tlike shopping.there are usually too m___ people in the shops.what about having a swim?
选择题:It's raining hard,and there are___people in the street.(A. few B.little C.a little)A(修饰可数名词,表示很少)...查看完整版>>
选择题:It's raining hard,and there are___people in the street.(A. few B.little C.a little)
What are the advantages and disadvantages to having a multicultural society in US多元文化背景在美国社会最大的利在于符合美国社会文化的特色和国家民族文化的特色,美国是一个移民国家一个多民族国家,多元文化的背景在美国不会令你初到美国感受到独在异乡为异客的孤独感,有着一种本民族文化的认...查看完整版>>
What are the advantages and disadvantages to having a multicultural society in US
There are ten waiting rooms at the newly-built station, _____20,000 people in all.A. Seating 这里指可容纳的座位是2000个。...查看完整版>>
There are ten waiting rooms at the newly-built station, _____20,000 people in all.
改被动语态:People don't grow rice in the west of Japan.Rice isn't grown by people in the west of Japan...查看完整版>>
改被动语态:People don't grow rice in the west of Japan.
In this world,there're only two tragetdies:one is not getting what one wants;the other is getting世界上只有两种悲剧,一种是得不到想要的,另一种则是,得到。——王尔德...查看完整版>>
In this world,there're only two tragetdies:one is not getting what one wants;the other is getting
英语选择There are no traditional rules _____ by the teacher in open education选D!1、 There are no traditional rules _____ by the teacher in open education 在开放式的教育里,没有老师制订的传统规矩。made是正确的。。因为它是修饰前面的单词rules的。rules是由老师制订的 。,所以应该...查看完整版>>
英语选择There are no traditional rules _____ by the teacher in open education
What do the people in Guangzhou do on New Year\\\'s Eve?Anything is possible ....查看完整版>>
What do the people in Guangzhou do on New Year\\\'s Eve?
What in freakir hell are you talking about?是什么意思啊你TM究竟在说什么呀?口语,表示气愤...查看完整版>>
What in freakir hell are you talking about?是什么意思啊
There are a total number of eight people taking the relay race.写几个与该句型相似的句子There are 3 birds standing in the tree.There is a book openning on the desk.There are some children playing in the river.这个是there be的句型,后面用现在分词做后置定语。...查看完整版>>
There are a total number of eight people taking the relay race.写几个与该句型相似的句子