Are there many factories in shenzhen 50 years ago no, there are not,改错误所有的are改为were...查看完整版>>
Are there many factories in shenzhen 50 years ago no, there are not,改错误
We need not buy any ___.There are many in the fridge.DD...查看完整版>>
We need not buy any ___.There are many in the fridge.
How many peolpe are there in the picture?这幅图中有几个人?...查看完整版>>
How many peolpe are there in the picture?
There are many things on display in the museum句中的on display作定语还是。。。on display为介宾短语,在这里作后置定语修饰many things介宾结构作定语一般都是后置的貤就是放在所修饰的名词后面...查看完整版>>
There are many things on display in the museum句中的on display作定语还是。。。
There are't many pandas ___in the world today ?Balive:活的; 活着的, 在世的living: Living, alive, andlive refer principally to organisms that are not dead but continue to live: Living, alive 和live 要指未死并继续生存的生物体: living plants...查看完整版>>
There are't many pandas ___in the world today ?
How many _ (袋鼠) are there in the room?kangarooes...查看完整版>>
How many _ (袋鼠) are there in the room?
There are many different species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China1.表示种类的词的用法:以kind 为例What kind of +名词单数This kind of +单/复数名词 都可以.所以你的那句话用复数也的正确的2.第二句中的我也有疑问发明类的词在语法中要求加the Bell is considered to have invent...查看完整版>>
There are many different species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China
There are many small houses in my village. 改为一般疑问句和否定句要怎样改不用改的呀!Are there many small houses in your village?There aren't many small houses in my village.要是句中的many是some的话,就要改成any了,即把There are some small houses in my village.改为:Are th...查看完整版>>
There are many small houses in my village. 改为一般疑问句和否定句要怎样改
there are so many / / in summer holidays “//”中间填什么?可数名词复数...查看完整版>>
there are so many / / in summer holidays “//”中间填什么?
How many states are there in the USA?美国有多少州?50个。...查看完整版>>
How many states are there in the USA?