We__a person not merely by what he says,but by what he does.D:judge判断我们判断一个人,并不仅仅根据他说的饿,还要看他做的...查看完整版>>
We__a person not merely by what he says,but by what he does.
We____a person not merely by what he says,but by what he does.D 判断...查看完整版>>
We____a person not merely by what he says,but by what he does.
what's happiness?It is not wishing for what we don't have but ejoying .的意思?这句话的意思是:幸福是什么?不是为了追求我们没有的虚幻的东西,而是要懂得享受现在!...查看完整版>>
what's happiness?It is not wishing for what we don't have but ejoying .的意思?
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.吃不到葡萄说葡萄是酸的。...查看完整版>>
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.
I wanna to be a person who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery我想成为一个环境再为恶劣也能乐观面对的人。我想成为一个笑对困境的人。...查看完整版>>
I wanna to be a person who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery
he does not want to leave.he does not want to leave. 一般现在时,是对现在的动作或者状态的陈述。he did not want to leave. 一般过去时,表示对过去的动作或状态的陈述啊。动词do 第三人称单数形式does 过去式 did...查看完整版>>
he does not want to leave.
He "does not" like playing violin.为什么不是“do not”?do 的第三人称单数 形式 必须用 does比如 he she it 后面 do如果是一般时 必须用第三人称的形式 does...查看完整版>>
He "does not" like playing violin.为什么不是“do not”?
解释 A person should be judge by his deeds ,not by his words.应该通过一个人的行动而非言语来对他进行判断。...查看完整版>>
解释 A person should be judge by his deeds ,not by his words.
脑筋急转弯:What,by losing one eye,has nothing left but a nose?noise失去了i(eye)还剩下nose...查看完整版>>
脑筋急转弯:What,by losing one eye,has nothing left but a nose?
谁能帮我翻译一下:I love you not whom you are but who I am when i`m by your side我爱你,这并不在乎你是谁,只有当我在你身边时,我才能意识到自己的存在。...查看完整版>>
谁能帮我翻译一下:I love you not whom you are but who I am when i`m by your side