Man proposed,God disposed!谋事在人,成事在天人算不如天算...查看完整版>>
Man proposed,God disposed!
有谁知道“Man proposes!God disposes!”这句应该怎么翻译?谋事在人,成事在天...查看完整版>>
有谁知道“Man proposes!God disposes!”这句应该怎么翻译?
Man supposes, God despopes写错了吧,应该是God disposes.这样才合英语的韵律,翻译同上....查看完整版>>
Man supposes, God despopes
这句话怎么翻译最好:Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天...查看完整版>>
这句话怎么翻译最好:Man proposes,God disposes.
God pardons always ,man pardons sometimes ,but nature never does着是哥伦比亚波哥大天主教神父马鲁兰达谈环保时说的翻译:上帝被冒犯时总是在宽恕,人类被冒犯时有时会宽恕,而大自然被冒犯时从不会宽恕。...查看完整版>>
God pardons always ,man pardons sometimes ,but nature never does
翻译 God says to man, "I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish."God says to man, \"I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish.神对人说:“我医治你所以伤害你,爱你所以惩罚你。” 是飞鸟集中的一句诗。...查看完整版>>
翻译 God says to man, "I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish."
God says to man, \"I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish.\"God says to man, \"I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish.神对人说:“我医治你所以伤害你,爱你所以惩罚你。” 是飞鸟集中的一句诗。...查看完整版>>
God says to man, \"I heal you therefore I hurt, love you therefore punish.\"
翻译:I forget ,I forgive.Man proposes and god disposes我忘却,我宽恕,谋事在人,成事在天...查看完整版>>
翻译:I forget ,I forgive.Man proposes and god disposes
God has brought this man to his fate as a result of his bad luck.this guy is full of bad luck and as a result he has meet his fate- this si the meaning...查看完整版>>
God has brought this man to his fate as a result of his bad luck.
翻译:Eight thousand troops are needed for a proposed African peacekeeping force.1996年10,上诉法院说,当政府呼吁裁决时能继续执政纲领.索马里议会出于职务投亲伊斯兰议长谢赫里夫哈桑亚丁一票。被提上议程的非洲维和部队需要8000名士兵. 乌干达是最早提供这些的国家. 上诉法庭 出于职务 提供这些...查看完整版>>
翻译:Eight thousand troops are needed for a proposed African peacekeeping force.