The pancake smells badly,and we must throw it away.smell 是系动词,要用系表结构,即是后面要加形容词不能加副词所以这里要用bad但是smell与strongly可以连用,表示气味特别浓...查看完整版>>
The pancake smells badly,and we must throw it away.
We cen it f?our work in the day and we must do it at n? 问号那填什么‘finish night没做完的工作晚上做。...查看完整版>>
We cen it f?our work in the day and we must do it at n? 问号那填什么‘
No matter how difficult the task may be ,we must complete it in time无论这项任务多么艰巨,我们都必须按时完成...查看完整版>>
No matter how difficult the task may be ,we must complete it in time
just enjoy what we have and then leave it to the past 高手请翻译谢谢享受我们所拥有的东西,然后就让它成为过去吧。...查看完整版>>
just enjoy what we have and then leave it to the past 高手请翻译谢谢
We read the wold wrong and say that it deceives us.我们读错误的焊接点并且说我们欺骗...查看完整版>>
We read the wold wrong and say that it deceives us.
翻译:you must grin and bear it字面上意思是,你必须强颜欢笑来忍受它。是一个成语,意思是,如果有什么不愉快或是不幸在我们力所能及之外,那么必须学会接受...查看完整版>>
翻译:you must grin and bear it
We must _____ that the telegram arrives in time.-B.-ensure 确保...查看完整版>>
We must _____ that the telegram arrives in time.
We must ___________ that the telegram arrives in time.2.ensure 是确保的意思。我们必须确保电报及时到达。...查看完整版>>
We must ___________ that the telegram arrives in time.
If you want to renew the book,you must ___it back for that.bring...查看完整版>>
If you want to renew the book,you must ___it back for that.
If you want to renew the book,you must ___it back for that.take...查看完整版>>
If you want to renew the book,you must ___it back for that.