首先是安装成功可以使用,然后在一次启动中弹出“daemon初始化失败”的对话框,daemon就无法打开了,情急之下准备覆盖源文件,但是显示"failed to oped config key".无法安装了。删除注册表中关于daemon的所有注册信息,问题依然存在!
参考答案:1. Open device manager (SCSI/RAID Controllers section) and delete SCSI controller with name corresponding with name of Daemon driver
(miniport driver name). If you have problems doing it (eg. system crashes) then start from step 3 (skip steps 1 and 2).
步骤1、打开设备管理器(“SCSI和RAID控制器”部分)然后删除对应Daemon驱动名(miniport driver名)的SCSI controller设备。若出现问题导致这个步骤不能进行(例如系统崩溃)则从步骤3开始(跳过步骤1和步骤2)。
2. Open device manager (System devices section) and delete device with driver corresponding with Daemon driver (bus driver name). In current versions of Daemon Tools it is 'PnP BIOS Extension' but most likely it may change in next versions. Again, if you have some problems doing it, skip this step
步骤2、打开设备管理器(“系统设备”部分)然后删除对应Daemon驱动名(bus driver名)的设备。当前版本的Daemon Tools中这个设备名是“'PnP BIOS Extension”但下个版本里很有可能会换个名字。再说一次,如果进行这个步骤有问题的话,请跳过这一步。
3. Find Daemon driver files in Windows\System32\Drivers folder
(in Win95/98/ME also check Windows\System\IOSUBSYS folder).
Make sure your system is configured to display system files (ControlPanel->Tools->FolderOptions->View) in order you can see them. Delete Daemon driver files.
default v3.46 driver file names are d346bus.sys and d346prt.sys
default v3.47 driver file names are d347bus.sys and d347prt.sys
4. In WinNT/2000/XP/2003 open registry editor and check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services for entries with same names as Daemon driver files. Delete these keys.
5. Find d347bus and d347prt in registry and delete(347 is your daemon's version). Reboot your system. If you executed steps 1 and 2 then you don't need to do anything anymore. Otherwise proceed to next step.
6. Go to device manager - you may see some device with yellow mark.
This is most likely Daemon device which cannot start because it's drivers are deleted. Delete this device from Device Manager.
步骤6、打开设备管理器 - 你也许会看到某些带有黄色惊叹号的设备。
The same procedure may be used also for complete removal of Alcohol drivers from system.
在Daemon Tool官方论坛上寻求此故障的解决办法
重启系统按下F8进入安全模式,然后运行“sptdinst_x86.exe add”这个命令,重启系统进入正常模式,再次执行DaemonTool安装。
PS:假如你的sptdinst_x86.exe这个文件存放在D盘下,则运行“CMD”进入命令提示符下,进入D盘根目录,然后键入 “sptdinst_x86.exe add”命令。也可以在『开始』菜单中的“运行”中键入“d:\sptdinst_x86.exe add”来执行这个命令。
他的办法暴简单! src="emoticons/emotion-2.gif" alt="Big Smile" />
1 在选择进入安全模式后,一直按esc键(不要问我这个键在键盘哪里,否则我杀人)
2 在进入安全模式桌面之后,安装原先一直报错的daemon安装文件,这个时候软件问你是否自动重启,选择重启
3 进入了正常模式,重启后安装成功,先别高兴,系统要再重启一次
4 进入系统了,不要高兴,再重启一次
5 大功告成,什么问题都没有了。。。。。。