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Nearly four times the size of Texas, Algeria is bordered on the west by Morocco and Western
Sahara and on the east by Tunisia and Libya. The Mediterranean Sea is to the north, and to
the south are Mauritania, Mali, and Niger. The Saharan region, which is 85% of the country,
is almost completely uninhabited. The highest point is Mount Tahat in the Sahara, which
rises 9,850 ft (3,000 m).
After enduring centuries of conquerers, military rulers and controlling empires, including the (Ottoman Empire, Turks and Napol閛n III), Algeria finally broke free, and gained its long-sought independence from France in 1962.
Algiers, the capital city, was founded in the 10th century by the Romans and remains one of the most exotic destinations on the planet.
Algeria is the second largest country in Africa. Its main population centers are located along the Mediterranean Sea coastline.
This huge landmass is dominated by the Atlas Mountains of the north and the vast barren reaches of the Sahara Desert, central and south. In fact the country is over 80% desert, including (3) gigantic sand seas.
Tourism is still somewhat rare in Algeria, as many international travel sources still warn of potential dangers and problems.
Read more about Algeria here!