Chinese ag economist plows ahead with his push for genetically modified seeds.
Huang Jikun would like to introduce the term "magic bullet" into the Mandarin vocabulary. That's the kind of solution the feisty economist thinks genetically modified organisms (GMOs) will be for some of China's biggest problems, and the 44-year-old Huang has been pushing Chinese planners for almost six years to allow the commercialization of GM rice.
黄季焜愿意为中国的词典引入“妙方”这个专用名词。这个活跃的经济学家认为转基因生物(GMOs)正是对中国一些最大问题的一种解决方案, 44岁的黄季焜近6年来一直敦促中国计划制定者们,以使得转基因水稻可以商业化。