my friend and i would like to go to the concernt, but ____ of us has got a ticket
my friend and i would like to go to the concernt, but ____ of us has got a ticket,这里的空为什么要填none 不写 neither?
参考答案:1.none这个词很有意思,首先它是一个代词,也就是代替前边或后边提到的事物,如果没有提到就不用none.比如How many students are there in the cinema.None.none就代表只没有学生,可能有别人,How much tea is there in the glass,None.none就代表只没有茶,但有别的,但也句子无关了,none只代表前边提到的学生和茶没有.像None of us likes swimming.none就只代表我们中没有人.