草原式住宅(Prairie Style)美国著名建筑师莱特(Frank Lloyd Wright ,1869~1959)于1900年前后设计的一系列住宅,这类住宅大多座落在郊外,用地宽阔,环境优美。建筑从实际生活需要出发,在布局、形体、以至取材上,特别注意同周围自然环境的配合,形成了一种具有浪漫主义闲情逸致及田园诗意般的典雅风格。草原式风格追求表里一致性,建筑外形尽量反映出内部空间关系,注意建筑自身比例与材料的运用,力图摆脱折衷主义的常套,造型效果犹如植物覆盖于地面一样。建筑往往利用垂直方向的烟囱将高高低低的水平墙垣、坡度平缓的屋面、层层叠叠的水平方向阳台与花台及舒展而又深深的挑檐统一起来。它既具有美国建筑的传统风格,又突破了传统建筑的封闭性,很适合于美国中西部草原地带的气候和地广人稀的特点。建筑以砖木结构为主,尽量表现材料的自然本色,重点装饰部分的花纹大多图案化的植物图形或由直线组成的几何图形。伊利诺州的威立茨住宅(Willitts House 1902)是草原式住宅的代表。
参考答案:Prairie SA (Prairie Style), a famous architect Wright (Frank Lloyd Wright, 1869~1959) in 1900 after a series of residential design, these are mostly located in the residential area, spacious site, a beautiful environment. Building From a practical necessity, in terms of distribution, movement, as well as materials, with special attention to the surrounding natural environment, in order to form a romantic leisure and Idyll do with the elegant style. Prairie style exterior and the pursuit of consistency, architectural features to reflect the internal space, attention to the use of building materials and the proportion of their attempt to extricate himself from the often eclectic sets, looks the same effect as if vegetation on the ground. Building the chimney will often take advantage of the vertical level Qiangyuan highs, gentle slopes of the roof, layers of the horizontal direction and Balcony flower bed and stretch but deep eaves united. It is the traditional style of American architecture, also broke with the traditional closed architecture is well-suited to the climate in the United States and sparsely populated western grassland area characteristics. Mainly in the construction of brick-wood structure, performance materials to the natural color, decorative key part of the plant either graphical or pictorial pattern mostly from the line in the graphics. The Illinois legislature Deutsch Granville Residential (Willitts House 1902) is a prairie-style residential representatives.