【重金悬赏】英语专业进!! 翻译
1.中文:没有现代化科技,我们不肯那个生活如此幸福,健康。英语:Without____?____,We can't______?______.2.中文:我们正在尽全力为成功举办第29界奥运会作准备。2008年我们将会热情好客展示给全世界。英语:We're trying our best_____?_____,in 2008 we'll show our ____?____world.3.中文:“受害者花了多长时间去描述昨天发生的抢劫案?”“不到一个小时”英语:-How long did the victim______________?___________yesterday?-___?___an hour.4.中文:今天的中国不再是以前的中国,历史证明中国人民是不可战胜的。英文:China today is no longer______?______,The history shows it's_____?______5.中文:勤奋带来成功,2005年3月1日中国残疾人艺术团在巴黎表演的舞蹈“千手观音”得到世界各地专家们的高度赞扬,它是中国人民的骄傲。英语:To work hard_____?____.The dance “Thousand-hand Bodhisattva"performed by the Handicapped Art Troupe of China in Paris on March 1, 2005______?________around the world.It is the pride of all the Chinese people一个空要填1个或以上的单词
参考答案:1.modern technology,live so happy and healthy
2.to prepare for the successful holding of the 29th Olympic Games,
warmness and welcomeness to the
3.take to describe the robbery happened
Less than
4.what it was in the past,
5.brings success
praised highly by professors all over the world