有记叙的 有议论的 还有什么的????
记叙文: 要求叙述事件的过程、人物的经历、时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果是其六个要素。
议论文: 要求论述事理、发表意见。一般具备论点、论据和论证三要素,需要作者明确表达自己的观点,然后以充足的论据来证明观点,议论文需有较强的逻辑性。
议论文往往由opening paragraph, body 和concluding paragraph 构成,其中的opening paragraph引入问题,以thesis statement 确定全文的主题。
Body 是全文的主体部分,对opening paragraph提出的观点论证明,concluding paragraph 可以总结归纳全文的中心思想,提出问题的解决方法,提出建议。以下是一篇范文,供大家参考:
Television has become one of the essentials in our life. It has greatly changed our life.
Television has been a vast improvement over previous ways of transmitting information. It provides an excellent medium for disseminating information: educational programs reach many people at one time and it is possible for them to learn much through such shows;news also reaches more people much more efficiently than it used to.
However, spending too much time in front of the television can ultimately prove harmful. It can damage your eyesight and suppress your ability to think creatively, and therefore, parents should be particularly careful with the number of hours they allow their children to watch television. Forbidding children from watching television will only make them want to watch more, but by scheduling other activities for their children, parents can ensure that children benefit from television's attributes, without being harmed by its disadvantages.
In short, television has provided us the chance to know more about the world without leaving our homes. But what to watch and how long to watch will be a question people should consider.