1.中文:你能告诉我飞机安全降落时那些专家已经到达香港多久了?英语:Could you tell me how long__①__Hongkong by the time the plane_____②_____?2.中文:既然人类应该和动物交朋友,那我们就应该齐心协力创造一个人类和动物共存的幸福家园。英语:Since human begins should make friends with animals,we should___③_____to______④______both human begins and animals.每个空格要是正确的英语 字数1+也可以+我QQ***********,长期合作
英语:Could you tell me how long__had these experts arrived in __Hongkong by the time the plane ___landed safely___?
英语:Since human being should make friends with animals, we should ___also work together ___to___creat a paradise for ___both human being and animals.