

王朝知道·作者佚名  2009-07-21  
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He/she will be all the more penalized as some features in one variety may clearly violate the grammar of the other variety. Many American changes of categories observed in some cases are in outright violation of British English grammar. For example, accommodation becomes countable (e.g. Good accommodations are rare); some irregular verbs become regular (e.g. broadcasted, shined); some regular verbs become irregular (snuck out for British English sneaked out); some intransitive verbs become transitive (e.g. The plane departed New York; We protested the salary cuts); some transitive verbs become intransitive (e.g. I visited with my friends for British English I visited my friends): some adjectives may be used as adverbs (e.g. It's real nice). Other major violations of British English syntax are seen in usages such as: A is different than B, where than is used without the corresponding –er/more or less required for comparatives; in Susan wants out, where a whole verb and its preceding particle (to go) are omitted; in like I said where like, instead of British English as, introduces a clause; in I want for you to go, where there is a major intrusion of a preposition; in He looked out the window, where there is a major deletion of a preposition; in He just left, where, despite the clear fact that a past action has some relevance to the present, the present perfect is not used. And so on.

An informal survey recently carried out among teachers of English who had been working for long, showed that, although they declared that they readily accepted American English, they would consider the above American English usages, and many more as incorrect. All they know of American English is –or for –our (e.g. color), -ize for ise, center for centre and similar minor and common differences.

The problem of multiple standards is aggravated in countries like those of the former British Empire where indigenized varieties of English have already established themselves athoritively as local standards. There, the intrusion of American English adds to the already existing conflict and competition between British English and the local forms. Awonusi (1994) aptly describes this phenomenon in Nigeria. What's more, other countries, like China, face a similar situation. In China English for example, the most interesting manifestation of this triple scale is when a local English form establishes itself, and differs from both the established British English and American English forms. For example, you relax in a sitting room in Britain, a living room in America and a parlour in China; you fill in form in Britain, fill out a form in the US and fill a form in China. Phonology offers many more of such systematic contrasts.


他或她将是被处罚如同一些特点在一品种也许清楚地违犯另一品种的语法。许多类别的美国变动被观察在某些情况下是在彻底的侵害英国英语语法。例如, 适应变得可数(即好膳宿供应是罕见的); 一些不规则动词变得规则(即播放, 发光); 一些规则动词变得不规则(snuck 为英国英语偷偷地走); 一些不及物动词变得传递(即飞机离去了纽约; 我们抗议了薪金裁减); 一些及物动词变得不及物(即我参观了与我的朋友为我拜访我的朋友) 的英国英语: 一些形容词也许被使用作为副词(即真正好) 。其它主要侵害英国英语句法看在用法譬如: A 比B 不同的, 比被使用没有对应- er/more 或要求为比较词; 在苏珊要, 一个整体动词和它在先的微粒(的地方去) 被省去; 在如我说何处象, 代替英国英语和, 介绍条目; 在我想要使您进来, 有介词的主要闯入的地方; 在他看了在窗口之外, 有介词的一个主要删除; 在他离开, 尽管清楚的事实的地方a 通过行动有与礼物的一些相关性, 当前完善不被使用。等等。

一次不拘形式的勘测最近被执行在运作为长期英语, 表示, 虽然他们宣称他们欣然接受了美国英语, 他们会考虑上述美国英语用法, 和许多的老师之中象不正确。所有他们知道美国英语是- 或为- 我们(即颜色), - 中心的ize 为ise, 中心和相似的较小和共同的区别。

多个标准的问题被加重在国家象indigenized 英语品种athoritively 已经委任自己作为地方标准的那些前大英帝国。那里, 美国英语闯入增加来已经现有的冲突和竞争在英国英语和地方形式之间。Awonusi (1994) 易于描述这种现象在尼日利亚。更多是什么, 其它国家, 象中国, 面对一个相似的情况。用中国英语例如, 这个三倍标度的最有趣的显示是一个地方英国形式委任自己, 并且与建立的英国英语和美国英语形式不同。例如, 您放松在一个客厅在不列颠,一个客厅在美国和一个客厅在中国; 您填装形式在不列颠, 填好表格一在美国和填装一个形式在中国。音系学提供许多的这样系统的对比。

小贴士:① 若网友所发内容与教科书相悖,请以教科书为准;② 若网友所发内容与科学常识、官方权威机构相悖,请以后者为准;③ 若网友所发内容不正确或者违背公序良俗,右下举报/纠错。
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