

王朝知道·作者佚名  2009-07-10  
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Our contenders for this filter test are:

Secret Weapon High Density Foam filter (SW filter)

4 ply Cotton Gauze filter (Brand X).

These are the same two filters used in our Secret Weapon flow test. Our first test is to simply show the density of the two filtering media using light. We simply hold the filters up to a bright light source (e.g. sunlight, halogen light), and look for any sign of light showing through. As you can see, the Brand X filter allows light to shine right through, while the SW filter completely blocks out all light from coming through the foam. Any consumer can do this and see all the large pores in the Brand X filter.

In the next comparison, we disassemble the two filters to measure thickness of the media. Using a micrometer we measure the media in their uncompressed form. The Brand X filter measures about 2.36mm, while the SW filter is nearly 7-times thicker at 14.07mm! The Brand X filter only has once chance to catch dirt, and that抯 in this 2mm of oil soaked fabric. The SW filter has numerous tiny pores and pathways in which to catch dirt, and uses a light oil to make sure the dirt sticks and never makes its way into the engine. We will have an independent dirt flow test conducted in a future installment.

The final comparison is in the base of the filter. The Secret Weapon Filter uses a full velocity stack to route air into the intake tract, while the Brand X filter uses a molded base with a curved inlet as a velocity stack. The Brand X version has a flat edge all around the velocity stack, while the Secret Weapon velocity stack is raised off the base of the filter to route air from all angles within the filter, and a fully rounded inlet lip to ensure the smoothest pathway for air to flow. This velocity stack is the same design used by many race teams and is proven to increase airflow into the engine. In addition to all the advantageous features listed above, all of our filters utilize a mesh cage surrounding the foam to keep it being deformed under the heavy vacuum when the engine is revved.

This is just a quick look at the advantages of using a foam filter over the common cotton gauze replacement filter. It has been shown that not only does foam flow better, it filters better as well. Still not convinced? Well consider one of the dirtiest motorsports around, motorcross. These motorcycles are built to play in the dirt, and when their industries choose a performance filter, what do they choose? That抯 right, a foam filter. Take a good look around, you抣l see that the claims of foam being inferior to cotton gauze are a very large misconception.


我们这次参选的过滤试验: 秘密武器高密度泡沫过滤(过滤专) 4从事棉花纱布过滤(X品牌. 这是利用过滤器在这两个秘密武器流动试验. 第一次测试,只显示两个密度过滤媒体的看法. 我们只是认为,美好的过滤器光源(如阳光、卤轻),应根据任何迹象显示现象. 可以看出,十大品牌可以过滤整个灯光照,完全不用过滤所有的座轻型飞机在从泡沫. 任何消费者可以看到,这个大洞的十大品牌过滤. 今后比较,我们两个分解器测量厚度媒体. 以微米一定的媒体形式uncompressed. 十大品牌约2.36mm过滤措施,不用过滤近7倍的14.07MM厚. 十大品牌只有一次机会捕捉过滤污物,损害本线的结构用石油. 许多极机密的过滤层,有步道,捕捉泥土,用轻油,确保枝、土进不了发动机. 我们拥有独立的测试,未来土票据流通. 最后在比较基础的过滤. 秘密武器过滤速度码,充分利用空中航线的道吸收,采用过滤十大品牌塑造为基础的速度进弯了烟. 品牌第十版有小力各地速度码,秘密武器烟速度提高产基地的过滤空气通道从多方面的筛选,充分圆唇入口,确保道路畅通的空气流通. 这也是烟速度被许多设计竞赛队伍,提高气流的动力证明. 除了上述的所有优点,我们利用网笼过滤器,泡沫周围随时被严重扭曲下,发动机revved真空. 这是优点一览用泡沫过滤器在更换纱布棉花普遍. 事实显示,不仅是改善泡沫流动,改善和过滤器. 还不相信? 审议和肮脏的motorsports之单车. 这种机车可以在土兴建,在产业选择过滤性能,他们选择. 到损害的权利,泡沫过滤. 好好看看,你11年).看到泡沫逊于要求棉花纱布是很大的误解.

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