关键词:可持续发展 人的全面发展 人品 环境 资源
参考答案:The social economy sustainable development and person's full scaledevelopment is in the our country socialist construction two importantquestions. These two questions mutually are the premise and thefoundation. The person more full scale development, the social economymore can continue to develop, but the social economy more continues todevelop, also more can advance person's full scale development. Thesetwo all is "gradually enhances, forever without limits historicalprocess. These two historical process should mutually unify, mutuallypromote to move forward ". The social economy sustainable developmentshould take person's full scale development as the goal. Whenformulation social economy sustainable development and person's fullscale development strategy, must the population, the resources and theenvironmental factor consideration, diligently founds the socialeconomy sustainable development and person's full scale developmentcivilized development path.
Key word: Sustainable development person's full scale developmentmoral behavior environment resources