This paper presents a synthesis of evidence from studies that have evaluated the impacts of economic deregulation on transport safety. Most of
these studies refer to aviation or road transport. Very few studies deal with deregulation of rail transport. There are no studies of maritime transport,
which has never been regulated the same way as other modes of transport. The review includes studies that have attempted to quantify the impacts
of transport deregulation on transport safety. Each study contains one or more estimates of the effect on transport safety of deregulation. Summary
estimates of effect have been derived from the individual estimates of effect by means of meta-analysis. Airline deregulation, which has only been
evaluated in the United States, does not appear to influence the safety of air travel. Deregulation of road transport has been evaluated in several
countries. The summary estimate of effect indicates that no statistically significant changes in road safety have occurred as a result of deregulation.
Deregulation of rail transport has only been evaluated in Great Britain and the United States. The experience so far suggests that deregulation of
railways is associated with improved rail safety. This association does, however, not necessarily imply a causal relationship.
作用的估计从作用的各自的估计被获得了通过阶分析。航空公司解除干预, 只是
评估在美国, 不看上去影响航空旅行安全。路运输的解除干预被评估了在数
国家。作用的概略估计表明, 统计地重大的变化在公路安全上未发生由于解除干预。
铁路同改善的路轨安全联系在一起。这个协会, 然而, 不一定暗示一个原因关系