汉译英 一些关于油画介绍,销售用语
请问你来自哪里{德国,英国,美国,法国,日本,澳大利亚,意大利,俄罗斯}这张油画{威尼斯,巴黎街景,船景,花园景,地中海,'(名词)"},色彩好,构图构思都好,价格50{美元,欧元,日元,法郎,人民币,}可以拍照,不含画框.一千,一万,一亿//如果全部一起买可以优惠点给你;这已经很便宜了,能不能再加一点价? 帮我翻译谢谢了.
参考答案:Where are you from?{Germany, UK, USA, France, Japan, Australia, Italy, Russia}
This painting of {Venice, night piece in Paris, landscape for boats, landscape for gardens, Med}
is gorgeous with its colour, both the composition and the idea of the picture are excellent.
The price is 50 {US dollars, Eurodollars, yen, francs, RMB} without a frame.
You can take photographs if you want.
One thousand, 10 thousand,100 million.
There will be a favorable price if you take them all.
It is my base line./ It's really really low.
Would you please jack up the prices for a little?