In the network, each neuron receives total input from all of the neurons in the preceding layer as:
where net j is the total or net input, N the number of inputs to the jth
neuron in the hidden layer, wij the connection weight from the ith neuron in the forward layer to the jth neuron in the hidden layer and x is the input from the ith neuron where net j is the total or net input, N the number of inputs to the jth neuron in the hidden layer, wij the connection weight from the ith neuron in the forward layer to the jth neuron in the hidden layer and x is the input from the ith neuron in the hidden layer and x is the input from the ith neuron i in the preceding layer. A neuron in the network produces its output(out) by processing the net input through an activation j (transfer)function f, such as the tangent hyperbolic function chosen in this study as below:
网j是总数或者网输入,N jth的输入的数量
在被隐藏的层里的神经元, wij 连接重量从ith神经元在向前层在jth神经元在根x是隐藏的层内内 来自网j是总数或者网输入的ith神经元的输入, N的数量输入在jth神经元在根隐藏的层内, wij 连接重量从ith神经元在向前层在jth神经元在根x是隐藏的层内内 输入从ith神经元在个x输入从ith神经元i在先前层内隐藏的层内。 在网络里的神经元产生它的生产(在外) 透过透过活动j(转移)处理网输入 功能f,例如切线在这研究内选择如下的双曲线功能∶