参考答案:The Lake of the Golden Bull
Once upon a time, West Lake was called Golden Bull Lake.
A golden bull lived at the bottom of the lake. When it hasn't rained in a while, and the water level falls, the golden bull would come to the surface. Water would flow from his mouth, and the lake would be full again.
One summer, there had not been rain for 81 days, the water level was so low you could see the bottom. Everyday, the peasants prayed for the golden bull to resurface.
One morning, when everyone were sitting by the lake, they suddently heard a loud "Moo"! The golden bull appeared from the bottom of the lake. He shook his head, wagged his tail, and started to spit water. The lake immediately became full again.
The news spread fast. When the magistrate heard the news, he laughed out of his pot belly: "This is a real treasure, if I can present it to the Emperor, I will definitely be promoted." He called his people to round up the peasants and pump the lake dry. "Death to he who disobeys the order!"
Eventually, the lake was emptied. People saw the golden bull lying at the bottom. He stood up and cried to the sky. Water rushed from his mouth, straight towards the magistrate, where he sank in the waves.
The lake became full instantly.
After that, the golden bull was never seen again, and the lake had not been dry since.