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关键词:民事诉讼 民事质证 当事人主义 职权主义 制度保障
参考答案:By civil action in questioning witnesses Content abstract The civil questioning witnesses system is in a civil action evidence law important system, is the implementation civil action public principle, the debate principle, as well as the direct expression principle specifically manifests. But, this system neglects for our country judicature practice, also does not take for the legal science theory, obviously, this and the civil questioning witnesses system status and the function is not extremely symmetric. Therefore, faces up to from the idea, takes the civil questioning witnesses system from the legislation, and theoretically conducts the thorough research especially to be important. This article believed that, the questioning witnesses is under judge's management, all quarters litigant and the correlation personnel the evidence expression approval or the denial which exhibit to the hearing in, as well as proposed the denial evidence and the reason, by examine the judgement for judge the lawsuit activity. It is the litigant fully exercises the lawsuit right important method, is judge verifies the case the scientific method, is the court sets up the fair image the effective way. The civil questioning witnesses system is a content is rich, affected area broad lawsuit activity, it by questioning witnesses main body, questioning witnesses object, questioning witnesses content three essential factors constitutions. Our country at present implements the authority principle questioning witnesses pattern is disadvantageous to the reassignment questioning witnesses main body enthusiasm, the enhancement questioning witnesses level and the questioning witnesses effect, should suitably absorb the litigant principle questioning witnesses pattern the beneficial ingredient. In order to guarantee the questioning witnesses publicly, is fair, highly effective has the foreword to carry on, must follow the certain rule in the questioning witnesses process, is fastidious the science method. Finally, the questioning witnesses system implementation realization also depends on with it necessary system consummation, what current is most main is must establish in front of the courtyard to prepare the procedure and to consummate witness as soon as possible to appear in court to testify the system. Key word: Civil action civil questioning witnesses litigant principle authority principle system safeguard