1、决策树(Decision Tree)
2、神经网络(Neural Network)
7、数据可视化(Data Visualization)
数据挖掘在天文学和生物学中都有极为成功的案例。例如:在天文学应用中,Jet Propulsion实验室利用决策树方法对上百万天体进行分类,效果比人工更快、更准确。这个系统还帮助发现了10个新的类星体。
例如:HP 公司的工程师使用Angoss Software的Knowledge Seeker来进行HPⅡc彩色扫描仪的生产过程分析。他们基于大约200个参数建立了一个自动数据收集系统,产生了难以手工处理的大量数据。
参考答案:Five, the main method of data excavation
Currently, the abroad has many think factories, companies with academic the organization be being engaged in data excavation the research and the development of the tool.These datas scoop out the main method of tool adoption to include decision tree, related rule, nerve dollar a network and inherit calculate way, and can see to turn, OLAP allied machine analysis processing etc..Also adopted a traditional covariance method moreover.
1, decision tree(Decision Tree)
2, nerve network(Neural Network)
3, related rule
4, K-nearest neighbor
5, heredity calculate way
6, unite machine analysis a processing(OLAP)
7, the data can see to turn(Data Visualization)
Six, the data scoop out of main application
Currently, the data scoops out of research and apply very popular, applied main concentration at the following a few realms:
1, finance
The data scoops out at the financial realm applied extensive, include:Financial market analysis and estimate, account classification, bank guarantee and reputation evaluate etc..These financial businesses all need to collect and handle a great deal of data, can hardly pass artificial or use 12 small scaled softwares to carry on an analytical estimate.But the data excavation can pass to have the processing of data to already, finding out the characteristic relationship with of object of data object, and can observe the variety trend of financial market.Then the mode made use of to study carry on reasonable of analyze an estimate, then discover a certain customer and consume the finance and business interest etc. of community or organization.
2, market industry
The market industry application is to make use of a data excavation's technique to carry on market fixed position and consumer analysis, assistance establishment market strategy.
Because of system and POS system's extensive universality in market industry of the management information, people get the data that the customer purchases a circumstance very easily.Make use of a data excavation technique, such as:The related rule, faintness reasons logically and statisticses method etc., passing the analysis to the customer history data, can get and purchase the information of the mindset and interest concerning the customer, provide a dependable basis for the business decision doubtless.
3, engineering and science research
The data excavation technique can be applied in various engineering and science data analysis.
Along with the usage of the forerunner's science data collections tool, if prognosticate satellite, 遥 feeling machine, DNA member technique...etc., face a huge data, traditional data analysis the tool is incapable for the dint.The data scoops out a technique with its strong intelligence and automatism, getting in the engineering and science research extensively applied.
The data scoops out in the astronomy and the biology to all have an extremely successful case.For example:In the astronomy the application, the laboratory of Jet Propulsion makes use of a decision tree method to carry on a classification to top million heavenly bodies, result than artificial sooner, more accurate.This system still helped to discover 10 new type a star body.
4, product manufacturing industry
The manufacturing industry application data scoops out a technique to carry on zero partses to break down diagnosis, resources excellent turn, production line analysis etc..
For example:The engineer of HP company uses the Knowledge Seeker of Angoss Software to carry on the production line analysis of the HP Ⅱ c colorful scanner.They according to built up the collections system of an auto data about 200 parameters, produced hard handicraft to handle of a great deal of data.
5, judicatory
The data excavation technique can be applied in case inquisition, deceive a monitor and wash money attestation, crime organization analysis...etc., can bring judicial work huge income.
For example:The American Ministry of Finance usage NetMap developed a system which calls FAIS.This system carries on a monitor to each kind of financial business, identifying to wash money, deceive...etc..That system movement since March,1993, handle about 200,000 businesses every week, aim at more than USD 100,000,000 also may be wash money of the business produce more than 400 investigation reports.