英语高手帮忙翻译 谢谢
1. Introduction
High quality standards are a must for the majority of manufacturers from all over
the world.The so-called six-sigma quality is going to become the accepted standard
for a diverse range of manufactured goods.This applies to high extent to
microsystems technology where strict requirements must be fulfilled with respect
to reliability and lifetime if such products are used, e.g. in medicine and safety
technology.Both reliability and lifetime are strongly dependent on the material
properties and the thermo-mechanical design.In comparison to conventional
technologies the situation in microsystems technology is extremely complicated.
Modern microsystems (MEMS and MOEMS) and their components are characterized
by high volume integration of a variety of materials and material combinations.
This variety is needed to realize very different and variable functions such as sensor
and actuator performance, signal processing, etc.But it is well known that the
materials’ behavior in combination with new structural design cannot be easily
predicted by theoretical simulations.A possible reason for wrong predictions made
by FEM calculations with respect to the loading behavior of microdevices is for
instance the lack of reliable materials data and boundary conditions in the
Many manufacturers of microsystems have pushed test and measurement
processes to the forefront of their ‘‘needs-attention’’ list.Wanted are measurement
and inspection techniques that are very fast, robust, and relatively low cost
compared to the products being investigated.The reason for this effort is obvious:
Properties determined on much larger specimens cannot be scaled down from the
bulk material without any experimental verification.Further on, in microscale the
materials behavior is noticeably affected by the production technology.Therefor e
simple and robust methods to analyze the shape and deformation of the
microcomponents are needed.Together with the knowledge of the applied load
and appropriate physical models these data can be used for the derivation of
material parameters such as the Young’s modulus, the Poisson ratio and the thermal
expansion coefficient.
There are several three-dimensional (3D) imaging methods based on interferometry
that allow the measurement of minute displacements and surface profiles.
参考答案:1. 引进高质量的大多数厂商都必须对世界各地的所谓6西格玛质量 正在成为一个公认的标准,适用于各种制造goods.this程度高微 如严格要求必须履行技术方面的可靠性和寿命,如果使用这种产品,例如: 在医药和安全可靠性和寿命technology.both强烈依赖材料性能及热机械设计中的比较 常规技术的微系统技术是极其复杂的局势. 现代微系统(MEMS与微光)及其部件的特点是高容量整合各种材料及 材料组合. 要实现这一品种非常不同功能和可变传感器和驱动器等性能,信号处理, 这是众所周知的,与其它材料的特性,结合新的结构设计,不能轻易预言 simulations.a原因可能错误理论预言的有限计算方面所作的装载行为是微 比如缺乏可靠的数据和资料,在微型边界条件. 许多厂商都推微系统测试过程需要站在自己'老'的测量和list.wanted 检验技术,非常快,稳健, 而成本相对较低的产品,探讨这项努力是有目共睹的理由: 性能取决于大得多标本不能从雏无实验verification.further对大宗物资, 微尺度材料的生产性能明显受technology.therefor电子分析方法简单、鲁棒沙 体育和变形的微量元素都是needed.together载荷应用的知识和适当的物理模型,这些日期 推导了可用于材料参数如弹性模量, 泊松比和热膨胀系数. 有几种立体(三维)显像方法使基于干涉测量和地表位移剖面分钟.