点解我的正版server 2003 安装完后不能创建新的用户
先声明, 我的2003 是花5000元的正版, 安装时没提示出错, 但进入管理选项时不能创建新用户,理由是
The user could not be completely created, the following items were not able to be completed:
- The password could not be set (often caused by domain policy's complexity requirements)
- Since the password could not be set for this user , the account will be disabled.
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请高手回答, 不要乱说,
楼主真有钱啊,花5000买正版的2003。估计你也只能激活2台SERVER吧,偶地是正版2003 EE版,无限激活版的,我头送我的。别羡慕啊。。。。