1. If yesterday had been Wednesday 's tomorrow and tomorrow is Sunday's yesterday , what day would today be?
2. I have 12 legs , 12 arms and 8 heads , what am I ?
3. Whats gooder than god
more evil than the devil
the rich need it
the poor have it
and if you eat it you will die?
4. What kind of room has no windows, no walls and no doors?
5. the man who made it, doesn't want it
the man who bought it, doesn't need it
the man who needs it doesn't know it
6. What's the beginning of eternity,
the end of time and space,
the beginning of the end,
and the end of every place?
7. I reflect all I see,
but I can't see my self.
8. Brothers and sisters i have none, but this man's father is my father's son.
who is this man?
9. Name an eight letter word that contains only one letter?
8. myself