

王朝知道·作者佚名  2012-07-07  
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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习




Please answer the following questions (ten lines or less):

You buy 100 shares of Microsoft for $26.50, and a week later one of the company’s most powerful Executives is fired for “cooking the books”. The stock price nose-dives to $23.00. What do you do? Explain in detail.

You buy 100 shares of Intel for $29.00. Three days later it drops down to $27.50. What do you do? Explain in detail.

What luck! A friend has sold you a plane ticket to New York City for only a hundred bucks! But now you are stuck in traffic on the way to the airport, and to make it to your plane in time will involve some pretty reckless driving, and even then you’re not sure you will make it. What do you do? Explain in detail.

You buy a CD, take it home and just as you pull it out of the case, you drop it and it gets scratched and won’t play. What do you do? Explain in detail.

You have been put in charge of purchasing computers for your company’s shipping department. You find out that you can get the computers from a guy for much less than through your regular vendor. Without authorization, you buy the computers. When they arrive, they are defective, and the guy who sold them to you has skipped town. What do you do? Explain in detail.

You purchase a stock at $19.00 on a “tip”. You promise yourself that you will sell when the price gets to $20. Before you can call your broker, the stock climbs to $20.10. What do you do? Explain in detail.

You purchase a stock at $22.00. You put a self-imposed stop loss on it at $20.00. Before you can call your broker, the stock crashes to $19.00, but slowly climbs back up and sits at $20.10. What do you do? Explain in detail.


You buy 100 shares of Microsoft for $26.50, and a week later one of the company’s most powerful Executives is fired for “cooking the books”. The stock price nose-dives to $23.00. What do you do? Explain in detail. 你以每股26.5美元的价格买入100股微软的股票,但一周以后,公司解雇了佚名作假账的执行官,股票价格猛跌到每股23美元,请详尽的解释你会如何处理?

You buy 100 shares of Intel for $29.00. Three days later it drops down to $27.50. What do you do? Explain in detail.你以每股29美元的价格买入100股因特尔的股票,三天以后,股票价格下跌到每股27.5美元,请详尽的解释你会如何处理?

What luck! A friend has sold you a plane ticket to New York City for only a hundred bucks! But now you are stuck in traffic on the way to the airport, and to make it to your plane in time will involve some pretty reckless driving, and even then you’re not sure you will make it. What do you do? Explain in detail. 真是好运气!你从朋友那只花了一百元就买到了一张去往纽约的飞机票.但是现在你却因为赛车被堵在去机场的路上,如果想及时赶上飞机就要使出惊险车技,但是你还不确定到底要不要这样做.请详尽的解释你会如何处理?

You buy a CD, take it home and just as you pull it out of the case, you drop it and it gets scratched and won’t play. What do you do? Explain in detail. 你买了一张CD回家,却失手把刚拿出封套的碟片给摔到地上,碟片被刮花不能听了,请详尽的解释你会如何处理?

You have been put in charge of purchasing computers for your company’s shipping department. You find out that you can get the computers from a guy for much less than through your regular vendor. Without authorization, you buy the computers. When they arrive, they are defective, and the guy who sold them to you has skipped town. What do you do? Explain in detail.你要为公司货运部门购置电脑,你发现可以买到比一般供应商价格低廉的多的电脑, 你买下了这批电脑而没有给公司汇报.电脑送到的时候,你发现是残次品,而那个卖给你电脑的人已经找不到了.请详尽的解释你会如何处理?

You purchase a stock at $19.00 on a “tip”. You promise yourself that you will sell when the price gets to $20. Before you can call your broker, the stock climbs to $20.10. What do you do? Explain in detail.你以每股19美元的价格买入一支价格正处低谷的股票,你决定当股票长到每股20美元就把它卖掉,你还没来得及给经纪人(类似替你理财的人)打电话,股票就已经长到每股20.1美元了.请详尽的解释你会如何处理?

You purchase a stock at $22.00. You put a self-imposed stop loss on it at $20.00. Before you can call your broker, the stock crashes to $19.00, but slowly climbs back up and sits at $20.10. What do you do? Explain in detail.你以每股22美元的价格买入一支股票,你决定当股票跌到每股20美元就把它抛出,你还没来得及给经纪人(类似替你理财的人)打电话,股票就已经跌破每股19美元了.但随后又缓慢回升至每股20.1美元.请详尽的解释你会如何处理?

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