In this study mean average accepted and rejected pulp yield were between 14.53-50.59, 0.39- 53.12 per cent of ovendried raw material, respectively and kappa number was between 15.06-79.81. These results showed temperature, time and chemical substance to affect directly lignin content, The temperature 100, 120, 140, celsius with added sodium hydroxide 3, 5, 7 per cent of ovendried raw material, yield mostly increased from 0 to 30, 60, 90 minutes, respectively. Under each level of temperature, yield was different in low temperature more than high temperature according to concentration of sodium hydroxide at the short time, and yields at 120 celsius degree for 30, 60, 90 minutes were the highest. These trend of curves mostly were opposite characteristic of reject yield. The appearance of yield quantity was depended on appropriated temperature, sodium hydroxide, time and the oxidation with the amount of the fixed oxygen supply. The kappa number in each yield was investigated for evaluating lignin content. The delignification and the degraded lignin in pulp appeared decreasing along low to high temperature and added sodium hydroxide rapily for short time and slightly stably for farther time. After randomizing 19 samples from 36 conditions for finding out lignin content, it was made the curve show relationship between kappa number and lignin and get linear2 equation by mean of Y=0.1444X+1.7854 which had kappa number (X), lignin content (Y) and R =0.9933, so Figure 5 was the same as Figure 3. However the amount of the screening yield was as nearly as pulp from soda process (Misra,1987) and alkali-oxygen process (Chen et al, 1994) which had 8 conditions for physical testing. That was 120-5-30,120-5-60, 120-5-90, 120-7-30, 120-7-60, 140-5- 30, 140-5-60, 140-7-30 and the screening yield about 48.30, 50.59, 48.75, 45.00, 46.98, 45.79, 45.02, 46.11 per cent of ovendried raw material, respectively.
Physical properties of pulp
The pulps were beaten and measured freeness. It was shown in Table 4 and 5. Hand sheet was formed from 8 conditions, compared with breaking length at different freeness by the different of 120-5, 120-7, 140-5, and 140-7 and the best of each condition group, and shown in Figure 6, 7, 8 and 9, respectively. It was found that the breaking length of 120-7-30, 140-5-30 and 140-7-30 at different freeness was not different. For burst factor was shown in Figure 10, 11, 12, 13. folding endurance shown in Figure 14, 15, 16, 17., brightness shown in Figure 18, 19, 20, 21. The comparasion procedure of burst factor, folding endurance and brightness were the same as breaking length. The results of burst factor with 140-7-30, 140-5-60, 120-7-30., folding endurance with 140-7-30, 140-5-30, 120-7-30.,brightness with 140-7-30, 120-7-60 were not different. It was concluded that the best condition was 140-7-30 and saved time and temperature to compare with soda process, time and chemical substance to compare with alkali-oxygen process
参考答案:这项研究意味着平均接受和拒绝纸浆产量介于14.53-50.59, 0.39-53.12百分之ovendried原料,分别与卡伯介于15.06-79.81. 这些结果表明温度和时间直接影响到木质素的化学物质含量,温度100、120、140、 摄氏加氢氧化钠3,5,7%ovendried原料 产量增加主要是从0到30,60,90分钟分别 每个级别的温度下, 收率分别比高温低温据氢氧化钠浓度在短时间内 而产量在120摄氏度30,60,90分钟的最高纪录. 这些人大多是曲线走势特点对面拒绝屈服. 外观产量取决于温度挪用、氢氧化钠、 氧化时间及金额固定供氧. 卡伯每年产量的影响评价木质素含量. 脱木质素的制浆出现退化和减少,加上气温低到高沿线氢氧化钠简便易行 略作短时间的时间越稳定. 经过随机取样3619查找条件木质素含量 曲线显示了它的关系,并得到linear2卡伯和木质素的平均数方程为Y=0.1444x1.7854 (十)有卡伯、木质素含量(Y)与r值0.9933, 所以图5是图3相同. 但是数额作为筛选出近纸浆产量从碱法(高质量采用Misra)和碱氧工艺(陈 等,1994)8所物理试验条件. 那是120-5-30,120-5-60、120-5-90、120-7-30、120-7-60、140-530、140-5-60、140-7-30、甄别产量约为48.30、50.59、48.75、45.00、 46.98、45.79、45.02、46.11百分之ovendried原料. 纸浆纸浆的物理性能被殴打和游离度测量. 据表4和第5. 手表组成八条件相比打破不同长短不同的游离的120-5、 120-7、140-5、140-7、条件最好每一组,如图6,7, 八日及九日分别. 发现断裂长度120-7-30、140-5-30、140-7-30不同游离不一样. 对于突发因素如图10,11,12,13. 耐折如图14,15,16,17. ,亮度如图18,19,20,21. 爆裂的因素比较规则,耐折、亮度都相同长度突破. 结果爆裂因素140-7-30、140-5-60、120-7-30. 、耐折与140-7-30、140-5-30、120-7-30. ,亮度与140-7-30、 120-7-60并不相同. 有人认为是最佳状态,节省时间和温度140-7-30评比苏打进程 评比时间和化学物质碱氧工艺