The Businese Environment
The businese environment has a tremendous effect on the success(or failure) of businesses.Five environmental factors are identified which are essential on business growth and job creation:
1. The social environment
2. The economic environment
3. The technological environment
4. The competitive environment
5. The global business environment
Business grows and prospers in a healthy enxironment.The result is job growth and the wealth that makes it possible to have both a high standard of living and a high quality of life. The wrong environmental conditions,on the other hand,lead to business failure,loss of jobs,and a low standard of living and quality of life. In short ,creating the right business environment is the foundation for social progress of all kinds , including good schools, clean air and water , good health care , and low rates of crime.
The Social Environment
Today’s world is full of changes. Profound changes are taking place all around the world. The changing social environment is dramatically affecting how we live, where we live, what we buy, and how we spend our time and money. The demographic trends and tremendous population shifts are leading to new opportunities for some firms and to declining opportunities for others.
Globalization is turning our world into a tiny village. People from different cultural backgrounds are beginning to live together and work together, forming a multicultural and diverse population.In a business cintext,multicaltural population provides an opportunity for citizens of one nation to learn to work with people of other nations. Moreover, a diverse population is a strong population. Just as healthy forest is make up of diverse trees and bushes so that a disease that affects one will not affect all, a strong business population is make up of all different ages,creeds, experiences and national origins. There is strength in different views and perspectives.One of the reasons why china is becoming more important in the world arena politically and economically is because of its diversity and openness to the outside world over the past few decades.
The Economic Environment
People are willing to start new business if they feel that the risk isn’t too great.Part of that risk involves the economic system and haw government works with or against businesses.Government can do a lot to lessen the risk of promote entrepreneurship is to allow private ownership of businesses. In some countries, most businesses are owned by the government and many of them are bothered by management problems and are in serious financial difficulty. Reforms were and still are under way in non-developed countries, which are selling government-owned businesses to private individuals to create more wealth.Let’s explore what else the government can to foster entrepreneurial growth.