
急求“there be"的详细用法!!!

王朝知道·作者佚名  2012-06-16  
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There be 句型的几种特殊结构及其用法

There be句型是一种应用十分广泛和频繁的句型。但是对there be句型的多变的特点及其特殊结构的复杂性,并不是每个考生都熟悉了解。在大学英语四级考试题中也常常遇到这一句型结构的试题。

例如: Ann never dreams of _________ for her to be sent abroad very soon.(CET-4,1998.6-43)

A)there to be a chance

B)there being a chance

C)there be a chance

D)being a chance 该题的答案为B)。

动词 dream of 要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,更准确地讲是介词of后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being a chance意为"有一个机会";A)和C)两项均不符合句子结构的要求,所以不是答案选项,而D)项 being a chance 虽然是 V-ing 分词结构,但语义不通,故不能雪

又如: No one had told Smith about ____ a lecture the following day.(CET-4,2001.1-66)

A)there beB)there would be C)there wasD)there being

该题的答案为D)。介词 about 后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,there being(a lecture)意为"有(一个讲座)",而A)、B)和C)项内容均不符合结构要求,故不能雪再如:

It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping,singing,or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound.(CET-4,1995.1)

该句子中出现了for there to be 的结构,如果按照上一题的解题思路去理解:介词后要求跟 V-ing 分词结构作宾语,那么,这一结构似乎是错的;但是,实际上此结构没有错,此处只能够用 for there to be,而不能用 there being。为什么呢?这就是本文想要解答的问题:there be 句型的特殊结构及其用法。笔者将 there be 句型的几种特殊结构及其用法进行归纳、总结如下,供读者参考。

一、there be句型与各种情态动词连用。

 例如: There must be something wrong here.

There might still be some vacant seats in the rear.

There ought to be something with which to fill your stocking.

二、there be句型中的谓语动词be被be likely to be,happen to be,seem(to be), occur等代替,用来描写事物。例如: ]

There are likely to be more difficulties than they have been prepared for.

There happened to be nobody in the room.

There doesn’t seem to be much hope of our beating that team .

There seems no doubt that the general character of the landscape,the relative length of day and night,and the climate must all play a big part in determining what kind of people we are.

There have occurred many great changes since we met last.

三、there be 句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如 live,stand,exist,remain等,用来表示"静止、存在、有"。例如:

There lives a family of five in the village.

There remains nothing more to be done.

There stands the Monument to the People’s Heroes at the center of the Tian’anmen Square.

There exist different opinions on this question.

四、there be 句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如 come,spring up,appear,emerge,arrive,enter,follow, 等,用来表示"突然出现"。例如:

There appears to be no substitute for this stuff yet.

There came a company of actors and actresses.

There followed a spirited discussion after class.

五、there be句型中be用不定式,形成"(for)there to be +宾格词"结构,表示"有"或"存在(某种情况)",在"(for)there to be +宾格词"的结构中,主语是宾格词。这种不定式结构在句中作逻辑宾语、状语和主语。

1."there to be +宾格词"在句中作宾语。例如:

The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.

 "there to be +宾格词"结构在句中作动词expect的宾语,句中的宾格词m ore review- ing classes作"there to be"不定式结构的逻辑主语。特别应该注意的是there后的不定式只能用"to be"的形式,因为这种不定式结构是从"there be"结构转化而来的。又如:

People don’t want there to be anotherwar.

Members like there to be plenty of choice.

Perhaps transportation and the means of comm unication have really made it possible for there to be an end to the big cities.

It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping,singing,or somehow adding to the totality of musical sound.

 "there to be +宾格词"结构在句中作介词for的宾语,句中的宾格词an ensemble of expert musicians 作"there to be"不定式结构的逻辑主语。

2."for there to be +宾格词"在句中作状语。例如:

It isn’t cold enough for there to be a frost tonight,so I can leave Jim ’s car out quite safely.("for there to be +宾格词"作结果状语)

特别应该注意的是,"for there to be +宾格词"在句中作状语时必须用介词 for引出 there be 后面的宾格词。又如:

For there to be successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussing itself by all present.("for there to be +宾格词"作目的状语)

They planned for there to be another meeting.("for there to be +宾格词"作目的状语)

3."there to be +宾格词"在句中作主语。例如:

It’s a great pity for there to be much trouble in the company. 特别应该注意的是,

 "for there to be +宾格词"在句中作主语时必须用介词for引出 there be后面的宾格词。又如:

It is impossible for there to be any more apples.

For there to be so few people in the streets was unusual.

六、there be句型中be用V -ing分词,形成"(of)there being +宾格词"结构,表示"有"或"存在(某种情况)",在"(of)there be- ing +宾格词"的结构中,主语是宾格词。

1."there being +宾格词"在句中作宾语。例如:

Have you ever thought of there being so many work units for you to choose on the talent’s meeting?("there being +宾格词"作宾语)

 "there being +宾格词"结构在句中作介词of的宾语,句中的宾格词so m any work u- nits作"there being"V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如:

No one had told him anything about there being a beautiful story about the lake. John was relying on there being another opportunity.

2."there being +宾格词"在句中作状语。例如:

There being no cause for alarm ,she went back to her bedroom.("there being +宾格词"作原因状语)

 "there being +宾格词"结构在句中作状语,句中的宾格词no cause作"there being" V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如:

There having been a strong suspicion against the ability of the director,the department asked him to resign.("there being +宾格词"作原因状语)

There being nothing to be done,they have to go back home.("there being +宾格词"作原因状语)

There being no further business,the chairm an closed the meeting.("there being +宾格词"作原因状语)

3."there being +宾格词"在句中作主 语。例如:

There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.

 "there being +宾格词"结构在句中作主语,句中的宾格词a bus stop作"there being" V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。

七、there be 句型中 be 用 be +V-ed 分词,形成"there be +V-ed分词+宾格词"结构,表示"有"或"存在(某种情况)",在"there be +V-ed 分词+宾格词"的结构中,主语是宾格词。例如:

There was found a lot of food in the kitchen cupboard.

There are now published millions of books every year in China.

There was shown at the exhibition an electronic computer made in Shanghai.

八、"there be no +主语名词"的习惯用法。

1.V-ing分词在"there be no"结构中作主语,表示"不可能"、"无法"。例如:

There is no denying the fact that China is still a developing country.

There is no joking about such matters.

There is no telling what will happen to him next.

2.there is no point +V-ing分词,表示"没有必要","无用","没有意义","没有用处"。例如:

We are disappointed with the new officer elected in our bridge club,but thereis no point worrying about it.

3.there is no use +V-ing分词,表示"无用","没有意义","没有用处"。例如:

There is no use advising him to give up smoking.

4.there is no good +V-ing分词,表示"无用","没有意义","没有用处","没有益处"。例如:

There is no good discussing the matter with such a fool.

九、在由"there be +主语名词"引起的句子中,修饰主语的情况。

1.在由"there be +主语名词"引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的不定式可以用被动形式,也可以用主动形式。例如:

There is no time to lose /to be lost.

There are still many things to take care of /to be taken care of. 在口语中多用主动形式。但是有时候两种形式可能表示不同的意思。试比较:

There is nothing to do now.(We have nothing to do now.)

There is nothing to be done now.(We can do nothing now.)

There is nothing to see(nothing worth seeing).

There is nothing to be seen(nothing there at all).

2.在由"there be +主语名词"引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的分词或分词短语在意思上相当于一个定语从句。例如:

There were 200children studying(=who were studying)m usic,dancing,or dram atics.

Is there anything planned(=that has been planned)for tonight?

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