
求惊情四百年 英文简介!!!急用

王朝知道·作者佚名  2012-06-04  
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公元1462年,君士坦丁堡受到土耳其人的袭击,德考拉伯爵受命征讨土耳其军。不料就在他获胜之时,谣言四起, 盛传他已被打败杀死。 他的妻子莉莎悲痛欲绝,终于投河自杀,班师回国的德考拉只看到了妻子的尸体。他愤怒地责问上帝,为什么他一生都为主而战,最终却遭到这种结局。 他用长矛刺穿了十字架上的耶酥,鲜血四流。德考拉从此投向了魔鬼,以鲜血作为生命,成了一个不死的吸血僵尸。

四百年后,1897年的伦敦。律师所的年轻律师约拿受命到罗马尼亚特兰斯瓦尼亚属地的德考拉家族城堡去办理这位贵族后裔在伦敦的地产手续。为此,他将与未婚妻——美丽的美娜分离。德考拉城堡的主人公正是已化为吸血鬼的德考拉伯爵,他发现美娜与莉莎惊人相象,认为美娜就是莉莎的转世再生。 他决定找到美娜, 找回那一份遗失了四百年的真爱。他将约拿囚禁在城堡之中,带上成箱子的故乡泥土:这是他力量的源泉,乘船一路呼风唤雨来到伦敦。他的到来复苏了伦敦的黑暗力量。吸血蝙蝠与狼人醒了,伦敦处于一种神秘的恐怖之中。美娜的女友露丝受到一种诱惑而与狼人结合,开始逐渐蜕变,最终将死去成为一个吸血僵尸。而美娜却总在冥冥之中听到一种心灵的神秘的召唤,在恐惧中又带有一种强烈的向往。来到伦敦的德考拉化为年轻的王子找到了美娜,他的优雅风度和神秘迷人的气质逐渐征服了美娜。美娜热烈地爱上了他,并在与他接触中隐隐回忆起一些她前世作为莉莎的生活往事的悲惨结局,这使她陷入一种忧郁与幸福之中。

露丝不断失血却又毫无根由的离奇病症终于吸引了神秘学家宏希成, 他经过查证, 终于确认这一切怪异之事的起因正在于伟大的吸血鬼德考拉身上。他联合并说服了几个绅士一同对付这种可怕而神秘的力量。约拿摆脱了魔女的控制, 逃出了古城堡, 被一所圣母院救起,他写信给美娜让她来此与他完婚,以摆脱德考拉的魔手。等他们回到伦敦时,露丝果然已在死后变成吸血鬼。宏希成带人闯入了墓地,刺穿了她的心脏,割下了头, 这样才杀死了吸血鬼。 约拿立即加入了宏希成一伙,去对付德考拉。他们找到了他驻停的修道院,焚烧了他带来的泥土。而德考拉此时已找到了美娜,并将一切都告诉了她,美娜知道自己深爱着德考拉,决定永远跟他在一起,变成不死的吸血鬼之身,共同享受永恒的真爱。

由于失去了故乡的泥土,德考拉只有先回到城堡蓄养力量。宏希成对美娜催眠,利用她对德考拉的爱的力量追踪德考拉并彻底消灭他。终于在日落之前他们赶上了德考拉,并在城堡里重创了他。 美娜不顾一切地扑上去,把将死去的德考拉拖入了城堡。在死亡的最后时间,德考拉终于大彻大悟,重新回到了上帝主的怀抱,明白了什么是真正永恒的爱。他最终作为神勇英武的德考拉伯爵,上帝的守护者而死去。美娜含泪举起长枪,刺穿了他的心脏,割下了他的头颅。他们之间的爱情已从中得到升华和永恒。

This is a gloomy strange blood suck ghost fable, simultaneously alsois a chilly beautiful sad love story. The attraction moves us, perhapsis precisely two new marvelous combinations. In 1462, Constantinople received Turk's attack, the German collarktranslitk count is ordered to subjugate the Turkish armed force. Timebut unexpectedly wins in him, the rumor rises from all directions, iswidely known he to be defeated kills. His wife Li sha is deeplygrieved, finally threw self into river to commit suicide, withdrawstroops the German collar ktranslitk which returned to homeland only tosee wife's corpse. He angrily calls to account God, why his life allprimarily fights, finally actually encounters this kind of result. Heused the lance to pierce on cross Ye to be crisp, blood four class.The German collar ktranslitk henceforth went to the devil, to theblood takes the life, became not to die attracts the blood corpse. After 400 years, 1897 London. Attorney young attorney approximatelytakes is ordered to handle this aristocrat descendant to the Romanianespecially Lance Wainee Yasu place German collar ktranslitk familycastle in London's real estate procedure. Therefore, he elegantly willseparate with fiancee - beautiful America. The German collarktranslitk castle leading character is precisely already the Germancollar ktranslitk count which changes into the blood suck ghost, hediscovered beautiful elegantly astonishing looks like with the Li sha,thought beautiful is elegant is the Li sha's reincarnationregeneration. He decided found beautifully is elegant, retrieves thatto lose for 400 years really to love. He approximately will takeimprisons in the castle, on the belt will become the box the hometownsoil: This is his strength fountainhead, rides a ship group to controlthe forces of nature comes to London. His arrival recovered London'sdark strength. The vampire bat and the wolf person has awaked, Londonis in one kind of mystical terror. The beautiful elegant girlfriendreveals the silk to receive one kind of enticement but to unify withthe wolf person, starts gradually to transform, finally died into toattract the blood corpse. Nether world but beautiful elegant actuallyalways in hears to one kind of mind mystical summoning, also has onekind of intense yearning for in the fear. Came to London's Germancollar ktranslitk to change into the young prince to find beautifullyelegant, his graceful demeanour and the mystical enchanting makingsgradually conquered beautifully have been elegant. Beautifullyelegantly warmly has fallen in love with him, and in contacts with himfaintly recollects some her previous generation to take the Li sha thelife past events pitiful result, this causes her to fall into one kindmelancholy and in happiness. The dew silk unceasingly loses blood actually not in the least 根由the strange illness finally attracted the mystical scientist great tohope, he passed through the verify, finally confirmed this all strangematters the cause on the great blood suck ghost Germany collarktranslitk body. He united and convinces several gentlemen to copewith this kind together fearful and the mystical strength.Approximately took got rid of the evil spirit female control, hasescaped the ancient castle, is rescued by a notre dame, he wrote aletter beautifully for elegantly lets her come this to get marriedwith him, got rid of the German collar ktranslitk the evil spirit.Waits when they returns to London, reveals the silk really after dyingto turn the blood suck ghost. Great Greece Cheng Dairen intruded thetomb, pierced her heart, has cut the head, has like this only thenkilled the blood suck ghost. Approximately took joins immediatelygreatly has hoped a group, coped with the German collar ktranslitk.They had found him in the monastery which stops, has burnt down thesoil which he brings. But the German collar ktranslitk had this timefound beautifully has been elegant, and told all she, beautifullyelegantly knew oneself deeply is loving the German collar ktranslitk,decided forever with him in the same place, turns body of the bloodsuck ghost which does not die, enjoys the eternal really to lovetogether. Because has lost the hometown soil, the German collar ktranslitk onlyhas first returns to the castle to gather raises the strength. GreatGreece pairs the beautiful elegant hypnosis, uses her to trace theGerman collar ktranslitk to the German collar ktranslitk love strengthand thoroughly to eliminate him. Finally in front of sunset they havecaught up with the German collar ktranslitk, and has caused heavylosses to him in the castle. Beautiful will be elegant regardless ofall consequences throws oneself, German collar ktranslitk Leads castle which died. In the death final time, the German collarktranslitk finally awakened greatly, has returned the God host'sbosom, had understood any was the true eternal love. He finally tookthe supernaturally brave martial-looking German collar ktranslitkcount, God's Protector died. Beautiful elegant with tears in one'seyes lifts the long-barrelled gun, pierced his heart, has cut hishead. Between them the love obtained the sublimation and the eternal

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