In Asia,tigers have been hunted foe sport or for their skins for hundreds of years.As a result of this hunting,there are now only a few tigers left in China.In Bengal,however,the popilation of tigers is thriving—it has increased from 2000 to 5000 animals.This is because the Indian government decided to protect the population of tigers in 1972.
Hunters also threaten elephants,which are killed for their ivory tusks,and rhinoceroses,whose horns are used in traditional Chinese medicine.There are now fewer than 8000 rhinos left in Africa,and probably less than 1000 living in Indodesia.If these animals are not properly protected,they will die out.
Cutting down trees in the rainforests has reduce the natural habitat of apes.The orangutan in Sumatra,the lion tamarin in Brazil and the red lemur in Madagascar have all suffered a decline in their numbers,because year by year they have less and less natural habitats to live in.
The giant pandas have a variety of survival problems.They only eats one type of food—a special bamboo plant which only flowers once every 60years.They finds it difficult to reproduce too,so there are very few baby pandas to increase the panda population.The Chinese government has made the panda a species.If someone hunts and kills one of these animals,the punishment is death.Neverthless,only a few thousand of these shy beasts still survive in the wild today.
In the ocean,some animals have been hunted until they are almost extinct.Whales in particular have suffered because their meat and bones are very valuable.Other animals,such as dolphins,are killed when they get caught in large drift nets used by tuna fishmen.These nets catch and kull any sea creature that happens to be in their way,as well as the tuna.In shallow waters,many fish have died as a result of pollution from human waste and oil spills.
Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund are struggling to save animals threatened by extinction.They have forced government to protect some animals and to punish poachers illegally selling animal products.One of its biggest successes was in 1990 when a complete ban on ivory trading was introduced.
Nowadays,some countries are beginning to promote eco-tourism.Eco-tourism is a type of tourist industry which encourages tourism without damaging animals’ habitats.Tourists are encouraged to shoot animals-which cameras,not guns.